So, you’re arguing that because guns are legal, and any psychopath with a grudge can buy one, we need to make guns easier to purchase, so that people who aren’t psychopaths can defend themselves. This sets up a delightful pun: You’re suggesting that we fight firearms with firearms!
The article references 4 cases where, ‘thanks to armed resistance’, a total of 13 people were killed by guns, and an additional 19 people were wounded. What a fascinating spin that is, to say that guns should be considered the heroes in these cases. Why should the killers have been armed in the first place?
I think I can help you understand it.
Guns destroy society.
You sure think it is a bad thing but you see ‘Society’ is socialist just like Hitler.
If you follow the Iraq war threads you find that the real reason for that one is profit only and it wasn’t me who said that.
Ergo we conclude that selling guns is for profit only. The rest is just marketing.
In my reality this is the smoking gun to prove that capitalism destroys society.
The VT shooter bought his guns legally. He didn’t buy them black market.
Where do blackmarket guns come from? Are arms manufactures risking their huge legitimate businesses in order to supply a few rinky-dink pistols to street thugs? More likely, guns purchased legally are stolen or sold, and are thus entered into the black market.
Killers who want to kill might do so, but killing with a knife or a hammer is on a completely different scale than killing with a semi-automatic.
Gun sales might be the stuff of dark alleys, but gun production is not. Making an effective gun is a pretty big deal, and it is something that is both easy to regulate, and something which when regulated prevents everyone from getting a gun, not just honest people.
Drop the rhetoric: politcal position has not been used as grounds for my arguent; I have not made any suggestion about what we should do to mass murderers; I’ve not even suggested whether I’m for or against the death penalty. Given this, you are making a number of straw-men arguments and playing on punditry. If you find yourself on the losing side of an argument, why not try to learn from it?
Irrelevant? Irrelevant!? How is the fact that illegal guns ultimately come from the legal sale of arms irrelevant to a discussion of whether gun sales should be legal? How is the fact that the VT shooter’s guns were purchased legally irrelevant to your statement that “all gun laws do is prevent honest perople from defending themselves”? Clearly, stricter gun laws would have prevented that person from purchasing a gun law, thus invalidating your statement.
Restricting the production of guns is only considered unconstitutional by conservativeFUCKING-RETARDS and strict-constrcutionistUNINTELLIGENT-POMPOUS-ASSHATS. Ooo, caps and insults to vaguely related groups bolster your arguments soooo much.
Once I went to pick up my friend from this crack house and when I got inside there was a crazy fiend with a knife stabbing the walls and chasing some chick around because he thought she stole his crack. I had to threaten him with a shotgun from the trunk of the car just to extract my friend, and we weren’t even involved in all the crack stealing madness.
Does anyone remember the Kellogg-Briand pact? It outlawed war. Did that stop war? No, of course not. Prohibiting drinking did not stop drinking. Prohibiting smoking marijuana has not stopped people from smoking it. Prohibiting handguns will not stop people from owning or using handguns.
Oh, and here’s a fun fact: The vast majority of people who own handguns don’t go on rampages at college universities.
Imp, can I point out that in every story mentioned in the link you originally posted, lack of gun control laws was not what allowed people to be armed and stop the mass murderers? In every case it was citizens breaking the law to the same extent as the original shooter. If with the law, the situation swings to both sides, what makes you think that without it it won’t do the same thing? The normal people out for self-protection would be armed, but so would more sociopaths. I honestly don’t see how you can always overlook something like that just to make your argument against “democRATS” work. If you’re gonna ignore the obvious for these threads you might as well post a thread that says “The democRATS kept us from exercising our manifest destiny on the rest of the world in the 1800’s and so they’re responsible for all the attacks America has ever been subjected to!!!”
call me wrong all you like. you haven’t proven me wrong however… and your offense is misplaced. not all members of the democratic party are democRATS and I have never said that they were.
Where do illegal handguns come from?
“Average number of firearm thefts that occur every year in the US: 341,000”
Why should greedy conservatives who only care about themselves care about cun control?
“Total cost of firearm assault injury and death in 1992: $63.4 billion”
Why might it be advisable to once again revise our understanding of the Constitution, and possibly even alter it, again, revising a previous change* to the Constitution?
"Percentage of Americans who feel that ‘the laws covering the sale of firearms should be made more strict’: 62 "
the act of amending or the state of being amended.
an alteration of or addition to a motion, bill, constitution, etc.
a change made by correction, addition, or deletion: The editors made few amendments to the manuscript.
Horticulture. a soil-conditioning substance that promotes plant growth indirectly by improving such soil qualities as porosity, moisture retention, and pH balance.