If you were the greatest hacker in the world, what would you use your god-like power for?
Force governments and corporations to their knees and demand their worship of you!!
Get back at your personal enemies by ruining them completely (like in "The Net")!
Manipulate the stock market to your whim!
Erase your existence and control everything from the shadows!
All of the above… >:)
I was a little awe-struck when I discovered that a discussion forum of this kind had been hacked, leaving nothing to see except the quote: “so long, and thanks for all the fish. -ILP” I wasn’t sure what to make of this at first until I checked my mailbox to find this strange message titled “HACKED”:
Indeed, I found this most disturbing and began wondering why someone would senselessly hack this site without provocation. The obvious first reason was that of a philosophical reason…
The art of hacking yeilds its user tremendous power…the power of control, fear, and terror. The only limitation of this power is the ambition of the user. So the question I have for you all…philosophically speaking is…
What is it about power that makes it so seductive?
…and a follow-up question…
What is it about power that causes people who have power to use it for selfish, or otherwise reasons of malice?
They (the hacker) gets some sense of satisfaction by reading threads on “ILP Hacked!” after he has hacked a forum. he likes the sense of being famous, even though no one actually knows who he is. It’s an evil hobby, but I have a feeling that it was not a hard thing for him to hack ILP (I know a few tricks too, serously). However, the most common method for hacking PhpBB v2.0.10 forums was made obsolete by a security update that ben added a few weeks ago.
the next version of phpbb, v2.2, will be virtually unhackable. It will have multiple levels of password-protected areas of the board…basically, the same security methods that Invision Power board has.
You know what, you’re right…we will all remember Slider, but the problem is, we don’t give a shit about him/her/it. If I was going to hack this place, I would have made myself look like some schizo-freak bent on spreading my paranoid beliefs…hmm…like Geral Sosbee!
Hey…I wonder…is it possible? A sociopath like Geral could have posed as Slider…considering his obvious distaste for the ILP. He does have motive.
Power in itself is seductive, control, followers, etcetera. So let’s go witht he converse of the statement “What is it about power that makes it so seductive” and say, “What is it about seduction that makes it so powerful”
In this case the guy needed some web space that couldn’t be tracked back to him. This was to allow the kewl wares heads download the latest games without getting locked up. These elite types get to have something about 5 hours before everybody else gets them on Kazaa, Bittorrent, et al… Chances are he would have used this site for a while, other for the fact he was spotted. There are lots of security problems with the internet and other apps that run on it. Most people find it easier to express themselves destructively then creatively. Heck he won’t be the last person to hack this site, I bet China has us on their blocked list and is waiting for the right moment to attack!
I wouldn’t be suprised. I’m counting on a second Cold War between us and China or North Korea…ahh, yes…the fun of saying what you will do if your opponent does something. If the majority of Americans weren’t so dim-witted religious-types, this country could have a much better relationship with China, but things seem to be looking up since their major computer company signed up a deal with IBM.