Hannibal - Profile of a Caricature

The thinker knows the other because he (re)cognizes him in himself - he is a representation of existence, of life.
The thinker is a hunter of the real - a destroyer of forgetfulness, of lethe. He is the one discovering aletheia.
The other is known more than (s)he can know self, if self is not as self-conscious…if self is not forgotten. He finds the other familiar.

A martyr, as in the Greek μαρτυρας: the witness who experiences an event; the phenomenon being witnessed - it then retains in memory (genetic/memetic code), conjuring it up, at will - remembering, reliving…using/manipulating/exploiting.
Mind as pure observer, detached from what is being witnessed, clarifying the imagery, purifying the memory, the (re)cognition.

Harrison, Thomas wrote:

“Hannibal: I’ve always found the idea of death comforting. The thought that my life could end at any moment frees me to fully appreciate the beauty and art and horror of everything this world has to offer.”

The overman celebrating his victory over his own nature…as temporal becoming.
He no longer resents his nature, his temporal essence, but is comforted by it, because it opens up vistas of perception denied to others.
Existence as an opportunity to see.

The Modern prefers to remain on the level of emotions (subjectivity), because only there can he defend his own positions against those that threaten to expose them for what they are.

His “positive” emotional appeal, to the seductive erotic spectrum of emotions, can withstand the “negativity” of the thymotic emotional spectrum - and in its primal forms it may appear more rational because of the underlying survival advantages it offers, and due to the fact that the erotic evolves as a more sophisticated form of survival.
To keep those primitive motives hidden, the Modern sanctifies the erotic, raising it up to the level of sacred idea(l), where the honest, less duplicitous, brutality of the thymotic cannot soil its sacredness.

But on a purely, unemotional, rational (objective) basis, the Modern’s world-view cannot deal with any honest analysis. It will refuse to explain its positions using reason; its positions will revert to innate emotional criteria, time after time, when it is confronted with the cold, brutality of reason.
It will always try to describe the sacrilegious opponent as one of the simpler, unsophisticated, emotional brutes it has acquired (training/education) some formidable defenses against.
No matter what is being said, the Modern will return the discourse to the emotional, where it feels it has an advantage against those primitive, skin-head, redneck, brutes. If, and when, he realizes the other is not among those he has learned to dismiss easily, with the help of the social/cultural training he has received, he will either flee, using some convenient excuse, or he will insist on lowering the reasons back down to his emotional comfort zone.

In comparison to the simpler thymotic type the effete erotic Modern feels enlightened - made light, unburdened, de-stressed (fearless, careless, naive, innocent).
Lucid, unemotional, cold, reason brings back the stress.
The Modern applies it selectively.

is this darkness in you too?