Happiness increases Depression

Picture it . . . you’re working in a place where everyone is more peppy than you; everyone is less cynical than you; everyone is more easily amused than you.

Before you started working there, you were not depressed. Maybe you were prone to feeling a little bit blue sometimes, but nothing more serious than that.

But after working there for a few months you start suffering from depression.

Could it then not be surmised that your depression was caused by their happiness ?

Ummm… Or maybe if you were always really happy and then one day you stepped into a world where everyone was cynical, depressed etc., and it is impossible for you to leave, you would end up depressed too. I don’t think you would end up depressed in the above situation at least most wouldn’t.

I think that there’s only so much happiness in the world. As in, there’s not enough for everyone. So for people to be happy, others have to be unhappy. So there’s really no such thing as social injustice. And it’s ok to do whatever makes you happy.

Such an individual would not end up depressed. They might think they were now depressed, but they wouldn’t be. They would simply be less happy. And as a result, much less annoying to the majority.


Making ’ excessively happy ’ people less happy makes me a little bit happier. It creates balance and keeps depression at bay.

If you can ’ steal someones thunder ’ then perhaps you can also steal happiness.

I agree too. What makes me happy is torturing people who claim that its okay to do whatever makes you happy…even if that is at the expense of others, since some people have to be unhappy for others to be happy.

For instance, I might come upon SirEbrum and Mears feeling happy at someone’s expense, and decide to force boiling water down their throats while cutting their eyes out with a dull knife. Or perhaps dragging them down the street behind my car…at around twenty miles an hour…which is slow enough to keep them alive.

Things like this certainly make me happy, since some people have to be unhappy for me to feel this way. I’m sure they would agree.

Upon some further thought, I now disagree. I think it would be much better if all the happiness was made into a big cake and a small equal-sized slice was given to everybody.

[ Edit ]
Note - Please note the time on this post - Posted in the same minute as detrops - It was my own reaction and was totally uninfluenced by the detrop, as I hadn’t even read his post.

No, no, don’t stop now. By all means, do continue. You can be honest, right?

Greetings, détrop.

I totally missed your first post [ Note my edit ]

I am honest to a fault. But maybe I have been fooled and believe in lies. Time will tell.

Can someone get this back on topic ? ( my head hurts )

First off, you could never force boiling water down my throat or cut my eyes out. I’m crazy paranoid, always armed and very mean.
Secondly, I would move in high speed, removing my belt and pimp slapping all the commies in the vicinity with it and then put it back on in one fluid motion, (like pootie tang).
Then all your happiness would be mine.

You’d watch your intestines fall out of your stomach before you even reached for your gun. Then as you reached for your intestines, you’d watch your body as your head rolled across the ground (vision remains for roughly four seconds after your head is cut off).

No, you’d move about as fast as a fat man getting off the toilet.

No, you’d remove your belt and request to hang yourself with it, as an alternative to what the commies would do to you.

Scott and detrop,

I’m not in the mood for [size=200]Mundane Babble[/size]

Which is why [size=200]I didn’t put it there.[/size]

Let's get this back on track . . . 

Happiness increases depression - as described in my opening post; agree or disagree ?


c’mon, atleast make an effort to make your statement a sensible read.

The amount of happiness if the group increases depression of the less happy individual.

I share the same view as detrop on this, happened allot when i was younger - arguments with individuals and they end up blurting ‘whatever makes you happpy’ or ‘i can do what ever i want (and you cant stop me - sometimes)’

Usually follow by a fist to the face or a knee to the stomach followed by an ass whoopin the second they finished saying it, especially when they said i could’nt stop them.