I’m going to keep this short: Why do we praise such a thing called “happiness”? Does it exist in other than greater relief from pain, akin from the lesser term we call “pleasure”? Is there an enclipsing state of being? No…rather I think it is a cacoon drawn over ourselves so that we don’t fall into existentialist angst. Is there really a need to believe in it? Are we really cheerful, or is it just insanity?
I wonder what this board will have to say compared to PF.
Happiness urges no praise nor belief. Fairly standard and rarely imbalanced. Required for any sort of elevated muscular jolt of the Modiolus persuasion.
Existentialist angst is assuming existentialism bleak. Happiness signifies favor of said being through chemical neurotransmissions like amino acids, stuff they put in Pantene shampoo now that makes hair so soft.
I think a point to emphasize is the distinct type of happiness we have in the modern West. It could be most succintly described as psychological hedonism. Whereas, a more noble definition, would be as it was conceived of in Ancient Greece. There, happiness was described by the word eudeamonia , which means to flourish. In other words, those who excel in bringing out their own potential in a given task/hobby.
Bearing this in mind, the modern conception of happiness (psychological hedonism), I believe, is built around the atomization of society and the cosumer culture. i.e. Happiness lies in consuming the latest good or gratifying one’s ego via drugs or an instantanious thrill of some description. This so-called happiness in manufactured by what Adorno and Horkheimer called The Culture Industries. And, I agree with you, it is to keep the herd ‘happy’ in an era where life seems meaningless.
Happiness is probally a form of insanity like alot of human behavior but if indeed the cosmos is operated on chaos upon the event of infinite regression I am not sure that one could say that being happy isn’t desirable.
You seriously belive that? have you never been happy? happieness is just as real as anyother human emotion, what reason do you have to set it apart from any other. If you have an argument towards the validity of emotions then fine, but I cant see how you can specifically pidgon hole happieness.
I’m talking about how people think it’s a state of being. Not the by-product of an activity, which is more likely relief.
I think throughout history, it is more likely “Slavery” by life to continue, rather than “Happiness”, since back then it was more hard to perform hedonism among the populace.
Another one…Noone has been “happy”, because it’s just some illusion we conjure to enable us to deal with the nothingness of the universe. We have pleasure and relief, sure, by what’s all this nonsense about “Happiness”? What does it accomplish seeking this? Can’t we just admit we’re in a perpetual state of pain? Why can’t we just admit this world is not meant for our intelligences?
We can only look to death as a deliverer, and nothing else in this world.
Actually, t would make more sence that pain does not exist as pain is a reaction that comes when we loose something, physically or emotionally. So unhappyness is a lack of happyness. and pain does not exist its just a void where pleasure should be.
Pure happiness is acceptance of what you can’t change and acceptance of Truth which leads to a lack of turmoil in you soul. It is in essence the state of being when you stop fighting within yourself and it does exist and is very real and obtainable.
I think happiness exists but it is always fleeting. I think it’s important to maintain the belief that it is never constant and it may only come around once a day?, once a week? and then may only last for 5 seconds? 1 minute?
Wow this is cheerful. Now as to your question I in return wonder why anyone needs to question happiness. Happiness is not just one emotions. it is and can be more then one combined.
So when small child is smiling, what passing gas?
Happiness is a comfort. Whatever it is it makes us feel better. It can make you laugh, smile and even cry. Is it insanity? Why not and why should it be?
Trying to think how to relate it. Ok, is sex just sex? Only if you, Mrs. Thumb and her 4 daughters are your only dates. So is that just physical? Well that is, but sex is not. I should say good sex. One you have sharing, contact, and hopefully a good time.
Emotions are a part of the human sponge in your head. The problem is it also runs into your heart. You decide what is soaks up or you can be like Sponge Bob. He seems very happy.
I think happiness is a broad and thus vague label used to describe the perceived desirability of one´s state of mind. Ascribe it the the immediate present and it´s easiest to gauge. Judge a lifetime and finding a mean is most difficult. Pleasure offers fleeting moments of happiness, yet many (I think rightfully) do not class this as happiness proper. This is because the answer to the question “Are you happy?” in its fullest sense requires reflection on the overall desirability of your life over a longish peroid of time (childhood I think need not be included). For most it is the ultimate judgement. To call it the ultimate end sounds plausible; but the ultimate good? I think not, because someone who gains happiness from killing people could thereby justify their actions. Aristotle advocated a strictly well-rounded lifestyle necessary to achieve “eudaimonia”, but I think such a broad concept can in theory be achieved by any means, depending on one´s values. But one thing I do wonder is how similar these happinesses truly are, because in theory they should be exactly the same. I think happiness is a very ambiguous mental label.
You said lack of happiness is a void where pleasure should be, well no, in actuality you are in the void already, you are in a fixed state of pain, not the other way round. I really think you understood that, I know you just don’t want too.
There is no point to do this, it won’t accomplish anything.