hark at the wind

the matter on which i take up my pen now is not one for which i am the first. not even, mind you, most recently.
it has been touched on.
and i would say, by people who should not consider themselves entirely without fault. and if you’re name is bob, then you are most certainly at fault, despite posting about it not long ago.

i’m talking about intellectually bankrupt posting, degenerate newcomers, rubish topics, and so on, and the like.
i have a peculiar sense of writing for an audience of victims of fetal alcohol syndrome. alien corpuscle bath comes to mind. but there are others. hermes.

a scan through any forum other than mundane babble should give you an idea of what i’m writing about.
its as if a book was an unaffordable commodity.
there hasn’t been a dickens of a good topic in ages.
good posters have been driven out by you herd of apes. good posters such as detrop and tuihu. the likes of which you vulgarians couldn’t… some monkeys sitting at a keyboard with all the time in the world can’t hope to produce a shakespeare.
hark at the wind.

more on this later.

Dear Wind-Harkener,

Here’s a question you might like: Why do you like Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason so much? Is there another thinker you set him against in matter of preference?


What are you willing to do to make a difference?


I’m inviting you to join Thinedge.org. A couple friends created this site a while ago and today it is more like a ghost town than a forum. I’m doing everything I can to save it(except pay for it because I’m broke), and we need posters.

Please, help save The Thin Edge Of Staring. Rest assured, there are no apes there. The level system works quite well, and I have always trusted the good judgement of the administration in keeping out the monkeys.

-Come clean or get washed-

Monooq, that’s pretty big words from a kid whose hero is a man who walked around a Prussian city with such regularity that people could set their clocks by him. Face it, the enlightenment is a bust and you are a half read false distinction maker. Go play at some other site. I mean really, you think the greatest movie ever was Forrest Gump and you tried to shame Assworshippers. How can we take you seriously?

Frankly, I’ve started plenty of interesting and well read posts based in texts. The problem is you’re too stupid to know how to work with people and if you don’t find the intellectualness of a topic ready-made you get all sad and elite. You’re a typical iluminado. Go over to thin edge.

Hermes, you should join yourself, granted that you aren’t a monkey.

Cool. I will definitely check it out.

Hey, you and Monooq can have a cage match.

Two men enter, one man leaves.

Cool, eh?

Who run Bartertown!!??

my real name, on the contrary, i don’t like that question. i get pains thinking about the required effort it’d take to answer it.
maybe berkley.

xanderman, thank you, for being a perfect example of the sort of bumbling idiocy i’m talking about. you’ve fallen off the stupid tree and hit every branch. simpleton. (just joking)

hermes, ‘the enlightenment is a bust’ …your words of wisdom? i wouldn’t let a group of kids alone with you in the role of a teacher for 5 seconds. the damage would be irreprable. even if it is for spanish. wasn’t your last post ‘whats yer favorite animal, dude?’? half-wit.
you’ve implied before that forrest gump wasn’t even a good movie… chalk it up on the list of of comments you’ve made that make me wonder whether in fact we shouldn’t ban people like you from procreating.
for shame.
i find myself drooling on myself halfway through your posts… its like watching tv for long periods of time… or having a lobotomy.
for shame.

detrop, thansk ill check it out.

Hermes and Monooq,

Save it for the cage, boys.

All in good time.

Oh, and Monooq, who was that guy who kicked the rock and said “To Berkley, I refute thus!”

You do understand don’t you? Of all the idealists that ever existed, Berkley was the most hard-core. I mean, that’s the dude who claimed that the tree doesn’t exist unless it is percieved, that there is no physical universe, just a creation of mind. I dunno, man, we need to put that guy through a direct realist course, don’t ya’ think?

…damn that rock hurt! Oh wait, the pain isn’t any more real than the rock. Nevermind.

I’d stick with Kant…for a while…then he’s got to go. Trust me.

Monooq, is english your native language?

The reason I ask is because I don’t even remember why I don’t like you. you really aren’t that big a deal. So… I looked over some of our posting history and realized that we’ve entered into a lovely positive feedback loop based off the fact that you radically misunderstand my irony/humor (as well as the fact that we DO disagree on several philosophical issues. That seems to be secondary at this point). The way in which you misunderstand things leads me to believe that you do not natively speak english. If that is the case, my apologies for bickering with you.

Regarding my posting history and quality, I advise you to double check my posts somewhere other than “Mundane Babble”. As the name suggests no post in this area is going to be particularly deep. Everybody in Mundane Babble is a lobotomized idiot, myself included. No offense guys, I like mundane Babble. It serves the purpose that ben set forth. Exactly.

I must say out of all the thought provoking and useful posts this is among the best ones. Maybe this post would be better turned into a conversation on the amount of negative effects pride has had on society.

You know Moonoq, you are very subtle about it but you are really quite funny in an abusive way. In fact I imagine you chuckle often as you write your posts.

your insolence is dually noted,
your relentless personal attacks don’t phase me.
i want to eat your children.

cba, what do you mean? are you poking fun at me? shall i take a field day on your dignity, from the like of which your self respect won’t recover?

de’trop, it was dr. johnson who kicked a stone to prove the world was real and solid.
and no one, probably not even dr johnson, thought this a serious argument.
if you are a simple representational realist, as most people are, and think that you only can know of ‘ideas in the mind’ but that they resemble the external world (‘in itself’)… this is much harder ground to stand on than berkelian idealism (i would argue)… and it is harder because of all that has been done to point out the oddities of thinking that primary and secondary qualities in perception are also external qualities.
for example,
the pain you feel from the rock doesn’t exist, except with and because of you. this seems reasonable to me… if there was a giant ogre who was hit by the rock, and didn’t feel pain, the pain wouldn’t exist. you are a necessary ingredient for feeling pain. same with all secondary qualities.
and the rock… what do you think you can know about it?
i grant that berkley gets more esoteric against the externality of primary qualities.
i’m not sure if you have any good argument for believing that you can know what the rock is like (‘in itself’) … beyond simply knowledge of our perceptions of it.
theres no question the rock exists… (after all, you see it… berkley was an empiricist also, wasn’t he) …but i’ll be damned if i could tell you if it exists without me.
evalutate berkley as having opened up an option in philosophy, not as having solved anything… you might have noticed, people rarely solve anything.

funny, you’re so stupid you had to note it twice. Secondly, it’s not insolence as I’m not your subordinate, buddy-o. thirdly, you didn’t even read my post did you?. Fourthly, this is dumb. have fun with your Forrest Gump(!!! ROFLMAO) self

I had this same conversation with a friend the other day. He believed that the world we experience is created by our minds and that if one were to suddenly drop dead, the world he percieved would have to go with him. If another person was in that world at the moment of this persons death, well, they would go to. This implies that other conscious beings in the vicinity of a death at the time of the death would dissappear into nothingness. Surely we don’t believe that, do we? This plan would only work if all particular conscious beings were participating in the same experience simultaneously and with no sense of an ‘Other.’

The world does indeed exist without your presence.

It is precisely because being exists that there can be consciousness. Without something to be conscious of, there would be no possibility of even asking the question or doubting it. The question for Descartes was “how do I prove that a world exists outside of my mind,” when it should have been, “how do I prove that that ‘object’ is real inasmuch as it might be mistaken, what exactly it is, but certainly not denied as existing,
whatever it is.”

See? There exists an object world, but not in the sense that one can use ‘right’ or ‘correct’ or ‘wrong’ or ‘erroneous’ to describe it. It is simply a presence to being. Illusion, mirage, dream…two things for sure, the is an experience of a being.

You can have being without experience, but not experience without being.

Most of the idealists I’ve read get carried away with metaphysics and semantics, ambiguity, obscure, or overly general, terms expressing even more complicated concepts.

You’ve got to come up with something clever to overcome the problem I showed you at the beginning of this post. Well, does John really dissappear when Jack falls over dead beside him?

Who’s got the last consciousness?

Noooo sir. Sarcasm would hardly be appropriate for such an excellent thread. But if you’d like to take field days be my guest.

Bitching and complaining only diagnose a problem. Diagnosing a problem accomplishes very little unless there is also treatment. You have diagnosed the problem, what is the treatment? What can be done to reach the goals you seek?

Would it help you to achieve your goals if the website administration took action? What can you do to get them to take action? What action could they take to achieve success?