why is it that everyone who spreads a message of peace and love on a large scale is killed? martin luther king, jr, ghandi, john f. kennedy, robert kennedy, JESUS, etc! everybody! do we just naturally hate people that try to better our lives?
Jesus came to live and die in Love, so He is an exception.
The rest may have had some Hate in them for others.
We don’t naturally hate others: we are taught to or mistaught to hate ourselves and so to hate others as ourselves and that hate then becomes as if it is so natural.
Then in order to continue that ‘natural’ hating others, we have to maintain hate for ourselves.
And so we really don’t want for anyone to love us all the way: for then, it means that we have give up hating ourselves. So there is both a ‘natural’ resistance to loving self but only because there was also a prior unnatural build-up of self-hate, AND there is a natural want and initial need for Love from others which then helps me to lvoe myself independently of all others.
Those 2 opposing forces are seen in the following by shakespeare:note the ‘yet.’
"This music of Love mads [anyone] who is in Hate; let it sound no more;
For though it have holp madmen to their wits,
In me it seems it will make wise men mad.
Yet blessing on his heart that gives it me!
For 'tis a sign of LOVE; and LOVE to Richard
Is a strange brooch in this all-HATING world.
KING RICHARD II Act 5, Scene 5
Once we understand what is happening and why it is happening, we can work with self-haters and with God’s help, get them to love self as all words so they can then love all others as self.
Love and respect,
it’s obviously the illumati conspiracy Read the Illuminatus! Trilogy if you want to give your brain some excercise.
No. But these people tried to do away with status quo, and they were successful to some degree, so those who were benefiting from the status quo put a .45 caliber bullet in their brain.
That’s ‘power’ to you. Try taking away some of the power of those above you, and let’s see what they do.
actually i’ve asked this question like a hundred times in different settings, and that’s the best answer i’ve ever heard. a gold star to you, arendt.
Thank you creation imperfect.