Harry Potter and the Crock of Shit

Crass art examined philosophically:

Harry Potter films suffer from the drawback of having to use comedy props in the service of drama.

The props I refer to are the standard Halloween horror tokens that adorn supermarket shelves and atheist counterarguments. No-one takes them seriously. Religious archetypes and tribal legends are routinely trashed; laws of blasphemy are ignored - the Celts and ancient Egyptians are no longer around to complain.

In the Harry Potter Reality material objects behave like phenomenal objects (e.g. people vanishing and appearing) and phenomenal objects behave like material objects (e.g. spirits being punched in the face). These quasi-objects find mutual ontological justification in the swirl of video-game lights and wooshes that spastically surrround them. I cannot add anything more to this awfulness that is Harry Potter.

You realise that these are stories meant to entertain children, and that they do just that, don’t you, JJ?

Harry Potter and the Halloween genre are unique in that they employ blasphemy and mockery of the dead as entertainment props. Indoctrination into this tawdry unique genre starts young and carries through into adulthood. Primarily it’s a christian/science enterprise geared to the disposal of other faiths and realities.


You are a rare genius. And you crack me up. Unfortunately, you’re not going to get your deserved recognition for possibly 100 years—that’s just how it is, my friend.



Geezuz. People have been making light of scary stuff, like death, for a long time. It’s a form of courage, and I wish more children bought into it. In american schools, the fashion is to offer counseling (for everyone) whenever a student loses a pet, or when the school soccer team loses a game. The schools are trying to make cowards of our kids. I think the author of Harry Potter (can’t think of her name) is practically a hero.

Just remember: If you can dream it, you can do it.

Making light of …

I don’t think that ever worked. Did it?
You gotta have a larf tho’ enchu?
wot me? Have a larf?
I larfed all the way to the funeral buffet reception. Some nice tarts and a pint and all was right with the world. Wish you were there. Would have done you good. You would have enjoyed it. He would, ladies and gentlemen, he would have enjoyed it. Gord bless her Majesty, your honour.

What we need is more big …
see new post

stuck are we , in the past

so the Celts and Egyptians are the authority , hmmm…

there is a difference between the fundamental material world of energy atoms , molecules ,moons , planets , stars , solar systems and galaxies

and life energy

the fundamental Universe gives a place for life to take hold , a place for life to develope , to evolve

life its self is an energy greater than the sum of its parts , there is nothing , just on the chemical nature of atoms that intutively suggest that life should become , yet it does

life , living things , are very much different from the fundamental Universe

the only thing that both do have in common though is electromagnetic energy

Stuck in the past. Broomsticks, idiotic folklore, Frankenstein and his tutu.

Don’t go on about electromagnetic energy.

the point is , is that , any advanced mind could mould and manipulate and control matter into anything they want

It’s called taxes. Read the book, saw the movie, been there.

so you saw the movie , so what , really

you don’t think what you read or saw is possible

it may not be possible now , but I see no reason why in the future it couldn’t be

Funny how we should keep fantasy from children. If we kept it out of philosophy instead, we’d be much better off.


You couldn’t have acted more uncharitably here were you to punch a homeless woman in the face, and take her shopping cart. The point, as I understand it, is not against fantasy----just bad, pop-fantasy. That you’ll let your kid listen to music doesn’t mean, necessarily, you’ll let them listen to Britney Spears, or something.


You couldn’t have acted more uncharitably here were you to punch a homeless woman in the face, and take her shopping cart. The point, as I understand it, is not against fantasy----just bad, pop-fantasy. That you’ll let your kid listen to music doesn’t mean, necessarily, you’ll let them listen to Britney Spears, or something.

Yeah, your uncharitableness will not soon be forgotten. You might as well have just dropped trou’ and squeezed a nice mud baby off on JJ’s face. That’s what your comments are like.

There’s fantasy and there’s intentionallyt idiotic, blasphemous fantasy.

Those charges were filed without a finding. Unsupervised probation.

And you promised never to post about that.

The hyper-religious have often accused Rowling of blasphemy. I think they should lighten up and let people choose for themselves how their children are entertained.

JJ’s point is political. I would try to teach my kids to consume art despite politics, and not because of it. If there is evil it resides in those who would deprive children of creative activities based upon politics. JJ is a threat to children everywhere.

I would hope they stayed away from Brittney Spears, but I have read the first Rowling book - I would recommend it to any child.