Has any member NOT written/published a book?

I’m starting to think that most people here have probably written stuff, and I didn’t want the minority to feel left out. So, for those non-writers among you, this is a thread to talk about the books you haven’t written, the themes you haven’t explored, the characters you haven’t invented…

Err… I had a cool dream once. Couldn’t quite capture the surreal tone of it in words, though. Shame, really.


I have also not written several books.

There was the one about the perverted locksmith called The Rape of the Lock, and the one about the fruit hunter called The Grape and the Glock, and the one about the astonished timepiece called The Gape of the Clock.

The memoir of the fowl filmmaker called the Tape of the Cock, and the biography about the pornstar, which was also called the…well, you see how everything is context?

This thread is valid even for all the writers who have written books. Come on!! Writing is always happend and still to happen…

Writers: Think of all you have yet to write…all the latent characters within you…haha!!

Like all those possessing a library, Aurelian was aware that he was guilty of not knowing his in its entirety.
– “The Theologians”

I haven’t published yet, but I have three or four pages of wisdom that I got from my barber written down. I might need to expand a little bit. Perhaps a nice forward by our head librarian and maybe some pithy commentary by the town fathers, something like that. If I could get a local artist to design a nice jacket, it would make an excellent coffee table book. Maybe next year when I’m not so busy…

I expect that more than half of the regulars here could write something good enough to be published (I daresay some already have).

Truth is, there are just too many books out there…

the only things worth writing i’ve ever written were a poem about what’s wrong with the world i transcribed last night (but i already hate), and my SAT essay.

no joke, that essay was the best piece of crap i’ve ever put on paper, and i got a 650 in writing for it. if i can find it i’ll put it up… i’m very proud of it.

Everything I write come out gonzo, sarcastic but humurous, sometimes offensive. I wrote a small play for a class once about playground kids at war for territory, with mad humor, shakespearean speeches, and political overtones. I also like to write aesthetically pleasing words and phrases and names, like my user name “A Spoonful Supreme” or one I wrote a few days ago: “Satanic Rainbow” or “Satan hates rainbows.” Kind of like how J.R.R. Tolkein used things like “Cellar Door” as inspiration for writing style, as he would take things like “Cellar Door” and make names like “Selador.” Beautiful…

Here’s two quotes from the play:

                                    [u]   Billy[/u]

I have seen what men do to each other! And for what!? I have seen horrors worse than anything R.L. Stein has to offer! What good is reaching the sun-baked bark and plastic components of this inhumane acreage of defeat every afternoon now!? Why god? Why have thou forsaken-ist us?

                                           [u] Timmy[/u]

Why do we do it Sir? Fight that is.


Because, as Sun-Tzu once wrote:“Warfare is the greatest affair of the state, the basis of life and death, the way to survival or extinction.” We fight against those who oppress us, and we fight against those who we opress that fight in retaliation for our oppression. Dynamic equilibrium Timmy.

…lol I still laugh, think Monty Python and grade school kids speaking this.

I’ve not published more books than anyone else I know…

I’ve not written War and Peace…

I’ve not written A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man…

I’ve not written The Old Man and the Sea…

I’ve never finished anything I’ve started.

Book ? What do you mean by book ?

Oh, you mean book book…

No, I haven’t written nor published any.

i have not writen a book called: “No One Understands The Fashion Kids”.

I thought of a book that retells a philosophical dialogue inside Pavlov’s kennel. The majority of the dogs there were, in the eyes of this “special” dog, gullible, and credulous.
They proceed to discuss the matter of scepticism, with the conditioned dogs taking a more or less Kantian, and often very scientific point of view, and the other dog refusing to believe in just about anything.


since you post a response thread
For those who have not yet written a book

can you help me?

How is it to published a book or a writing? Where is a good publisher? How should the letter to the editior be sent? O yea i forgot, this is a thread for those who haven’t wrote a book yet. I guess you can’t really help me. I’ll go ask Bessey in my thread.
:unamused: Or maybe you can help me?

I can try.

Basically, you have two options - if you feel comfortable enough in dealing with publishers, contracts, negotiating royalties and so on then you can deal the publishers direct. If you don’t feel comfortable enough to negotiate all this then you try to find an agent. An agent will typically take 10-15% for taking all that stressful crap out of your hands.

How to find publishers - I just bought a directory of British and American publishers/literary agents. I dunno where you live - ?

When I’ve finished my present novel then I’m simply going to phone up/e-mail agents, give them a short synopsis, ask if they’d be interested in reading the opening 10,000 words or so, and take it from there. It really is that simple - some will say no, many will say yes. Most will read your work and reject it - you’re probably looking at 100 rejections before it is at all likely that you’ll get something published.

A typical submission to an agent comprises 3 things: a covering letter - be brief and to the point - include a short bio about yourself that talks about things relevant to being a writer e.g. my letter (relatively generic) tells them that I took literature at both a-level and degree level, and have run writing competitions here on ILP. This is directly relevant to being a writer, and boost the overall impression; a synopsis of the whole book, usually between two and five pages of A4. If it’s fiction, which my books invariably are, then plot summary, character summary, potential taglines and a few statements about why you think the book would be popular and interesting. I’m writing a novel about football, so I’ll include references to particularly high-profile news stories from that aspect of the world; the sample sections of the book itself - usually around 10,000 words. This is usually the opening chapter, but if you decide to choose other parts of your book then it’s probably wise to note in your covering letter or possibly at the end of the synopsis which parts you have chosen and how they relate to the rest of the book.

I hope that I’ve given you a clearer impression of how to relate to the publishing world and what they expect of you. There are variations within the industry so it’s useful to note that most publishers and agents have websites that contain guidelines for submissions.

Hello F(r)iends,

I have not written any books.
Every single one has been published though.


lol at that Zidane avatar

my book will be called Bad Grammer:Subjectively Good Content

I have had a poem published and another that was requested to be published but I refused. I have been asked to write but I tell bedtime stories to nieces and nephews. I create stories for drunken saturday nights around a fire or TV. I have created a universe that defies logic yet parallels it. will I ever truly publish a book? No, I fear TV and publicity too much almost as much as I fear spiders which is why my art will never be carried to a great public knowledge either.

I don’t write. I dictate to my little friend Plato.