I always thought that the truth was subjective, but it looks like I was wrong.
Is this the final word on the truth, or is there yet another version?
there is always another version
What’s the difference between a Republican and an idiot? -i don’t see the difference -do you see the difference.
I’m just being cutsie tootsie ! luv ya xoxoxoxoxo
Now that Obama is Prez, I don’t think we’ll see another Pallin in the White House in this lifetime -Geez, Alaska is important too, ya know !
I don’t know about you people in the media, but us folks have the good darn sense to gawvern without the Koscent of the Media, Ya know’l?
And by the way, my hubbie is a SNOW-MACHINE CHAMP, we don’t call’em skidoes in Alaska -no way !
Sounds about right.
Another way of saying that is that it’s the opinion most widely held among those reviewing the question.
truth has no other version
truth is truth is truth
Wait, there are degrees of objectivity???
Truth is an “opinion”???
Wrong interpritation of “objective” here Unreasonable.
He means the most “we” can be objective.
Not the philosophical “objective truth” concept.
Objective as in forensic analysis.
In philosophy, this forensic analysis is still subjective.
In common tongue, it’s called objective because of the attempt to not bias the outcome.
What is truth? Hard to define. But I know that if you disagree with it, you’re wrong.
Truth is truth is truth is truth.
I like that.