Club, it seems to me much more unlikely that one would become atheist after being raised in our nation than Christian (speaking of the USA). That’s just statistical probability, just like all of religion.
I bounce between being a theist and an atheist every day.
it depends on my mood and how the world is treating me.
Raised sceptical-theist, theistic education then turned atheist at around 14, then antitheist at around 18 after four years of “disbelief”.
Currently still antitheist.
I can’t say I’ve met anyone else who did that – but I’d be shocked if it weren’t fairly common. I know that children who grow up in punk communes tended to be pretty far right when they grew up. Not sure how co-op children faired, but I imagine the trend is similar.
I love this about you. I was a born again Christian this week, but then (woops) I did something bad and came to the conclusion that it didn’t matter because my God is a forgiving God. That’s when I believe in Him, that is - which changes by the hour.
I am a questioning, God-fearing woman, but always believe in God as I am questioning His bad judgement. That confuses me and makes me turn away, but then - there must be a reason. Right?
I’ve heard it before that the biggest cause of Atheism is a Christian saying one thing and doing the opposite. However, we all do stumble, but it’s our interest in stumbling less, and doing it for God.
There have been times when I’ve considered how nice it’d be to be atheist, fit in with my philosophy class, not be afraid that I’ll be attacked with scorn or frowned upon as it has been constructed in our time. But after a period of pondering I realize how much I’d have to lie to myself… and that doesn’t settle well with my conscious.
Chesterton said one time, If there were no God, there would be no Atheist. To some extent that is true, and even if you don’t believe, you must accept Theism puts up a good fight.
I don’t think it puts up any better of a fight than any of the other superstitions people have believed in for millenia…
Just look at accupuncture.
At least no one kills anyone in the name of acupuncture. Unless they’re really bad at it, I suppose.
Oh no! Poor me! I’m only the majority of America and part of a full third of the world population!
Poor me!
I’m a Christian!
Woe unto me and my oppressed majority status!
Xunzian, you just don’t catch my drift because you haven’t experienced my place Nietzsche. Claiming to go to church on easter doesn’t make someone a Christian, but these do jump into those stats.
Yeah, more have killed in the name of nihilism, wonder why.
If theism didn’t put up such a good fight you wouldn’t be wasting time with it such as you don’t waste time debating Santa or the Tooth fairy, but somehow some of you find a way to lump Jesus in that category.
You know what you’ll find is most Atheist haven’t become Atheist after reading hearing atheistic arguments, but for those Atheist who find Christianity unreasonable, Apologetists or even Theists have the job of proving it reasonable, and even then a person who accepts Christ as their lord, doesn’t do it based off an apologetic. This should be common knowledge, you only debate Theism to try and settle your insecurities about the afterlife, if you wanted to be an Intelligent Atheist, you’d become a Faust. Faust see’s reason, discusses it logically, but he doesn’t believe for reasons unknown to me. I respect him for that, and when he see’s something wrong with either side of the argument, he will point it out regardless if the person is theist or atheist. I wish many of you could grasp the concept of Logic, ignoring the argument by claiming one of us is just another dogmatic minded theist with no brains does nothing for your argument, you just run from the argument like a coward. I’m stepping off my soapbox now but it’s time some of you get real.
I would waste time debating santa and the tooth fairy if there were billions of people who believed in them. Jesus in fact does belong in the same category inasmuch as his godhood is a myth that some people have taken for reality.
No, if they actually existed and billions believed in them you would waste your time debating.
I’m not sure what calling God a myth does for any argument, it’s just a belief of yours, doesn’t really hold substance, we are no different are we.
Atheism states that there is a place in existence where God does not exist.
Since that is a false statement, Atheism simply isn’t true.
I have never been either an atheist or an agnostic.
The reality of God is not a matter for rational conjecture.
Theism states that there is a place in existence where God does exist.
Since that is a false statement, theism simply isn’t true.
I have never ben a thiest or an agnostic.
The existence of God is a matter for rational conjecture.
We can all find some facet of truth in our own mind. The true question is not what is the truth but rather should we capitalize it so matter of factly? (Truth)

Atheism states that there is a place in existence where God does not exist.
Since that is a false statement, Atheism simply isn’t true.
I have never been either an atheist or an agnostic.
The reality of God is not a matter for rational conjecture.
So then you don’t believe in God, you are atheist. That is a rational conjecture based on definitions.
By the way, love the use of the straw mans, wish I could do that, but I’m not out to prove anything, although I could logically try.
I’m not sure what calling God a myth does for any argument, it’s just a belief of yours, doesn’t really hold substance, we are no different are we.
Snappy tonight, aren’t we? I’ve stated my opinion, just as you have throughout several recent threads. I’m providing balance and showing that there is disagreement. If you want to talk about these opinions by all means let me know. I’m not gonna pop off some big argument every time I have an opinion to express; you of all people should understand that.
I wish many of you could grasp the concept of Logic, ignoring the argument by claiming one of us is just another dogmatic minded theist with no brains does nothing for your argument, you just run from the argument like a coward.
I certainly wouldn’t mind taking part in a discussion over the logical arguments for God’s existence. Thus far I’ve only seen mention they exist.
I post a thread for you dorky. I will say however, these are only arguments, they won’t convert anyone, but I will give them to you because you ask.