Have you ever wondered if you're gay?

Just wondering because David Cassidy said that there comes a time in every man’s life where he wonders that.

Only when I’m making out with a dude.

have you really made out with a dude?


( Likes women too much.)

Yes, many times.

Why? how was it?

What if Brad Pitt wanted to make out with you?


Varied from guy to guy. Like anything else – some guys were good at it, some guys were bad at it, most were pretty OK. Then, of course, there were the drunken Donkeys – the guys that kiss like a freakin’ mule.

As for the why . . . why not? A man is allowed to have a variety of tastes, is he not?

no…i think most guys find the idea of kissing another guy to be gross as the above poster put it

But then I also heard some guy say that all guys secretly want to make out with Brad Pitt

Did you really enjoy watching Brokeback Mountain then?

Brokeback Mountain was a pretty mediocre movie, IMHO. If it had been between a man and a woman, it would have aired midday on some third-rate TV network.

As for most guys and all that . . . since when did demographics and/or statistics have any influence over an individual situation? Outliers are generally expected.

I like the idea of girls liking the idea of watching me kiss a guy… but actually kissing the guy? maybe not.

Xunzian I don’t believe you. You’re too casual about it. You’re the kind of guy who’d kiss and leave, and not even pay for his half of the pizza.

I’ve never claimed to have had a successful deep and meaningful relationship with another man, though I wouldn’t have been opposed to it.

I suppose that does make me a kiss 'em and leave 'em kinda guy in that respect.

Wanna kiss my flakey brown pucker ?

so then would you call yourself gay or bi?

I would probally snap his neck.


are you really in an asylum


It is just a little storyline I put up for my Joker character.

If you read the batman comics the Joker was always in the Arkam Insane Asylum.
