Have you seen Britney's new video? Its so good!

watch it here


and tell me what you think!

You need to just give decent music a try. Honestly, there is a gestation period with good music but onece you pass it you will realize how bad music like this really is.

You are probably the biggest tool ever (as far as music is concerned) for listening to this stuff.

Download or buy “Arular” by M.I.A. Force youself to listen to it two or three times. I GARANTEE that after that you will never listen to bad music again.

Its probably the best pop music done by a female to come out in some time.

Hrmm…it’s interesting that you haven’t picked up on the fact yet that musical taste is relative…

It is and it isnt.

Its kinda like people who say they love McDonalds food. Lets take for example Chef Ramsey of Hells Kitchen fame. Im sure at some point during his childhood he thought McDonalds had the greatest tasting food in the world. Now he would laugh at such a notion.

The more you try the more you realize at what your missing. Im sure this poster, if they never really listened to good music throughout their life, would always listen to crappy music like Britney Spears.

You just have to develop a palet of sort.

Too many people listen to Chicken McNuggets and not enough fillet minon.

I prefer her older stuff.

I dunno, Maynard…you seem to like some real nuggets now and then.

I mostly listen to quality though…

Hey, a few Chicken Nuggets are OK as long as you realize how terrible they really are.

Heck, I love that Rhianna song…Hang on Ill go grab it…I crack this up everytime I hear it in my car.


I still know its a crappy song.

One general rule that people should follow is that if you like a song the first time you hear it you know its bad. Songs like that dont have legs

That’s a really terrible rule, IMO. Some music takes awhile to warm up to but anyone should be able to instantly recognize genius at least occasionally.

had no idea that philosopher listen to britney… well looks like an exotic music in philosophical context
(pop is exotix? are you joking hero? ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) )

sorry but that stuff u recommended is Horrible! YUCK! GAG!

I prefer Brit any day!

are you really a fan of hers or is this a schtick?

Welll if anyone bothered to watch the video you would see what im talking about, yes I think its great.

Saying you prefer Brit is fine.

Suggesting that M.I.A. is horrible is another…She is UNarguably on the short list of most talented and ambitous pop artists. Shame on you. Develop your tastes!

So is ICE officially PhilosophyGirl in (a very thin) disguise? I haven’t been keeping track. :-k

Britney’s album is number 1 on the charts right now, having sold 504, 507 copies in her first week, yes she went Gold in less than a week. Ok now, there are roughly 504,507 ppl in one week who have bought her album not to mention who have bought her songs on Itunes, now someone is buying her albums, so quit hating on her and admit that you listen to her.

Maynard, I am open minded enough to have given your music-whats her face, i cant remember the singer’s name- a try. Instead of joining that I hate Britney bandwagon, why dont you give her a listen before you start puffing yourself up with “im too cool for Britney” pride.

I have a challenge out there for someone brave enough-come forward and admit you enjoy Britney’s songs, who will do it? Who has he courage?

this is a schtick

If you surveyed only people with an IQ over 130…

“Who is better Britney Spears orM.I.A.”

Smart people would chose M.I.A. in a landslide.

I like guns 'n roses new music video

Okay, if you just gotta have newish pop, at least upgrade a bit…


Or this:
