Heaven and Hell

Ecmandu,You promised not to post in this thread.

Sorry. I thought that thread I said that about had died awhile ago.

Continue discussing things you know nothing about and I know everything about.

With others who know nothing about it either.

Ec, you’re slipping.

You did a memory wipe.

In that other thread, you promised not to post in this one.

Remember… everyone is trolling their own threads.

I’ve also stated elsewhere that I did a partial memory wipe to stay entertained.

Back before my brain damage… it was insane how good my memory was… I was a piece of shit, but damn was my memory good.

Now I take joy in forgetting.

It makes for good conversation. It also makes me more relatable.

But even given my brain damage, I did memory wipes like everyone else here … just not as severe as the rest of you.

Strangely enough, I start to remember more about all existence since my brain damage.

I was in a coma for a while.

I never did a memory wipe on purpose, myself, tbh. Anywhays.

You’re a funny guy. I’ve had a bit too much excitement lately & am ready for a wholotta nuthin for a very short period of time.

And my youngns to visit. Of course.

Please don’t feed the animals.
I hope you have a good vacation awhile from ILP. Come back when you can. Have a pleasant visit with the younguns.

If all reality is subjective, then the heaven and hell in NDEs are real places.

So what?

A poorly quoted orally transmitted account written decades (at best) later, is not about what this particular person J. ben Josef might have said or meant, but all about the people writing it down much later.
We know that because there are such discrepant accounts, and downright contradictions.
In truth was cannot ever tell if JC is one person but many.

And you have to ask what is the opinion of a poorly tutored Rabbi worth from the early 1st C CE? Or, indeed the fanatics who are supposed to have carried his words to the next generation?

Who’s Grace? Is she the friend of Dawn? I saw her coming up yesterday. She did not bring Grace with her. Maybe it’s a different Gracie you are talking about? Gracie Watt?

Grace passed away thirty years ago.


equivocation on subjective

so as not to disturb the … untrodden snowfall

Melting in the rain
, as we speak McArthur Park

“Let them eat cake” , spring has sprung > looking into window bakery

It is important to believers in Jesus to know what he did not say, if they base their lives on what they are told he said.
I"m not trying to defend Jesus here. I’ve read several books about faulty translations and additions and deletions of early Christian manuscripts. To dwell on that is to miss the actual message of Jesus, which is “You can be as I am”.

and nihil apart from him

Sculptor … the discrepancies are insignificant. Name one that actually changes or challenges a doctrine.

Is it significant that a majority of Am. Christian conservatives believe fervently in ECT?

Riddle me this: If hell is eternal, then everyone who gets sent to the fire reserved for Satan and his angels is already there. So who got released? Is that even a correct interpretation of what Jesus did in Ephesians 4:7-10 & 1 Peter 3:18-20?

Put “old testament saints hell jesus” into this search engine:

cse.google.com/cse?q=%20&cx=010 … pporexry1y

We will all be salted with fire.

All will be tested in a trial by fire… all our urban/rural/remote legends … every last one.

To the Last One Standing!

Just saw this thread. I actually got this book for Christmas! Haven’t read it yet though. What do you think of it?

Did you get his original Heaven and Hell or his current Journeys to Heaven and Hell? I haven’t read the latter, but from what I’ve been able to find out about it, it covers most of the same material.
Heaven and Hell goes back to the earliest known writings (Gilgamesh) and travels though Homer, Virgil, Plato. etc. for stories about reward and punishment in the afterlife. The book also traces the origins of these concepts through early Christianity.
Ehrman writes well. I think you’ll enjoy it.