Hebrew Man in the Land of Halloween... "An American Snag"

I wish. i don’t really seek help from friends or professionals. Though from friends, I sometimes get it anyway! But not for this.

This man I knew lost his father when he was 8.
He was not known by his own father, in a way.

He stayed trapped in adolescence.

The dead are cleansed of all faults…distances purify our thoughts, if not memories then pictures, stories…

Do you seek his approval in strangers with their own motives?

No, i don’t think I do. He was far too distinct.



sorry, that was not a very good question.

More than I like.

I prefer being underestimated and insulted.
It gets me interested. Otherwise…I’m too laid back. Don’t give a shit about whiggers or morons using word-games to self-praise.
but it does insult by aesthetics.


I think I know the feeling.

Then it is to distinguish yourself, out of his shadow that you crave?

No, I don’t crave distinction. I already have it.

It also isn’t very shadowy.

“I prefer being underestimated and insulted.
It gets me interested. Otherwise…I’m too laid back.”

I guess in this modern world, where mediocrity is the norm, at least insults and underestimating challenges offer something solid? Concrete? Something to react to other than the miasma of nothingness?

Ha!!! get over yourself. So needy.

Insults are genuine…Flattery is rarely so.

A boaster hides a secret inferiority.
When you fight someone you know them…not as they pretend they are, ro claim to be…but as they truly are.

I agree with a lot you say and believe you are not beyond saving.

Unfortunately I no longer have time for you. I wish you well. Stop the nazi shit is my suggestion. Insofar as I exist as a we, we will find you and do terrible things to you. Make sure you stop it before we do, is my advice.

Shalom, have a good one.

Man…you are beyond hope.
So much need. So much weakness.
You need to flatter yourself…nobody, of worth, will do it.

By the way.
it’s not only that you receive praise…but from what kind of minds you receive it from.
like advice and guidance…

Begone, whigger.
I’ve tired of your slobbering.
Plenty of needy fucks on this forum.

It’s amazing the level of Jewish and zionist cuckholdry in the world today, you think the Jews are you friends or allies, no, they’ll drop you along with everybody else at a drop of a hat because they only care about themselves.

When they’re done ruining nations they’ll simply pack up and move elsewhere to continue their financial raping or pillaging, that is the inherent nature of the Jew.

Another reason to see Einstein as the Messiah is that the whole world accept him as such already.

It makes sense that the Messiah would be a scientist, wielding power of the highest physical order.

I don’t see what more we could really expect of a Messiah. What greater and more empowering thing is there to bring forth?

Pardon my presumptions. But isn’t it a sensible debate-proposition, even if to understand what is meant really with the concept of the Anointed?


Not an argument. ^^^

See Tucker Carlson’s piece of Singer to see how Jews do not give a shit about the host they parasitize. He wouldn’t do this to a Israeli town, because there he feels an affinity.

Jews are a tribe, like the Gypsies, that used superstition, occultism, abstractions to exploit other tribes…or the feeble in every tribe.
Unlike the gypsies they moved on from astrology, palm reading, and all that crap, to more sophisticated forms of exploitation. Using language games…like VO.
Meaningless drivel appearing to be profound, promising great rewards secret powers etc.

Like all parasites they come out of the woodwork when a home is in decay, or tis master is getting old, or ill and callot keep his castle clean from vermin and the dirt they thrive on.
Money is their dirt…their Messiah.
When they grow n power, in an Empire, as they are now in America, it is a symptom of decline. You will always find them in filth, like porn, or myth selling - Hollywood - or money lending (usury).
They are physically weak…so they do not excel in the physical stuff, preferring to use proxies…like Negroes. They’ve never built anything of any value, nor produces any realistic art of any value. They are good at abstraction, surrealism…anything that implies without saying. They’ve never invented practical things…or they do not excel there…but do so only in theoretic, ideologies…anything vague, obscure, psychologically manipulative.
Marketing and psychology is their foerte.
A feminine spirit. Like women they are good with words and manipulating others through their use.

They’ve been known for this throughout the ages. Read what the Romans say about them.
