Hell, the plane of heat and radiance:

“Hell” (the real, non-fantasy one) is a realm of great power, and many of the most wicked demons were merely human-like ghosts which had gained access to hell, and then had gone mad with power.

Hell appears to be burning, magmic, and hot, etc. because it is brimming with radiant energies. Remember: heat is vibration, energy, motion, etc.

In many ways, hell is my favorite plane of existence, and I find it to be very arousing/comforting.

The surface of a star, for example, would be seen as “hellish”. That of fire, everywhere, and constant outflow of energies. But, a star IS earth’s source of energy and vital-force.

As regards realms of strife and suffering, it is earth which consists of self-consumption and self-destruction. The process of recycling, in which death and struggle are a deep rooted part of every being’s life.

In many other ecosystems, in other realms and dimensions of instance, beings do not consume or harm each other at all (compared to earth). The idea of life destroying life, is basically the concept of self-destruction. It is an absurd idea, especially in a universe of infinite bounty.

This Catholic idea of hell depicted is in my opinion the furtherest thing from the truth there is, a dangerous lie that causes people to misunderstand and even hate God. This shameful idea of hell is fantasy from weak minded people who know nothing about Gods nature, he doesn’t torture people nor does he kill, ever, he is a creator not a destroyer.

No logic what so ever in the idea of hell being a physical place with fire or heat of any kind. Consider when you die you no longer have a body, only the Spirit with a soul remains, what’s to burn? Also if you deny God till death and claim he doesn’t exist and refuse all his good gifts then why would he put you in a place that is of his creation, that would be a contradiction. Hell must be the void of nothing, because god did not create a void, the void was the blank slate that his creation expands throughout forever, yet there will always be this void on the outer edge of creation and in my mind this must be the Hell were those who refuse all things of God choose to go. Think about it, God created fire, heat and earth and all physical things, how can a Spirit go to a physical place, that’s why we who choose God will be given a new physical body so we can abide in the creations of God, and all things created by God are good. Think a litter harder about the pain of loneliness and complete loss of hope, this is torment beyond physical pain. Ever notice how heart ache can be worse then any physical pain, ever had you heart broken, that’s hell and it never ends because those who go there choose to go there, even made themselves go there against all of Gods will. We have a similar separation on earth, some will not live peacefully with others and will by their very presence cause much grief in society, that’s why we put them in jail, same with the afterlife.

God is not omnipotent, he can’t be or he would be divided, he cannot give us the ability and will to choose then change that choice. He doesn’t want anyone to go to hell but just like a child that wont obey the good parent there is a point where you cannot help the child no matter what you try, free will reigns supreme even to everlasting torment.

“Hell,” at least the hell-fire and brimstone version, is a scare tactic inserted into the bible as a method of political control. What few understand is that the much revered KJV bible is nothing more than a political version of the bible. What do politicians do? Develop scare tactics to keep the “sheep” in line.

Now, if one is going to argue that God is a loving,forgiving deity, which I wholeheartedly believe that he is, one cannot rectify the “hell-fire and brimstone” doctrine with anything that Jesus taught. If there is a “hell,” it’s simply a cutting away from God. However, even with this “cutting away,” when one is in the spirit there is no escaping God’s presence. God will be present…

To me, the real torture of “hell” will be the “sinners” knowing that even though they are horrible people,and undeserving of God’s love and forgiveness, they will stil have it. After all, that is what God is, love and forgiveness. Can you imagine the guilt we will all feel knowing that we are not deserving of the blessings that God is going to cast upon us?

The “fire of hell” should read “the fire of guilt” because guilt does indeed burn.

I agree with you to an extent SpeakerofTruth–though we can’t know what Hell is, so it is just speculation anyway, I think it probably is an awareness of God while being eternally seperate from Him. To me, that would be the worst affliction–to be aware of complete love/truth, that it exists, but to be apart from it.

I cant see any logic in that idea, we should already be aware of God, Its not like there is lack of evidence here in this life. What else could God do to make his presence known? Even if he was a grey haired guy with a beard sitting on a thrown in the sky many would still deny him if confronted. Hell is a natural separation, just like the natural separation here in this life, some just won’t admit that they are wrong or take responsibility for their actions no matter what, if you have seen this before you just have n live long enough.

In addition, real pain is total loss of hope and loneliness, if you can think of any greater pain that is actually available in this life then I would like to hear of it. What is in the spirit dimension is mirrored here in the physical, the same rules apply.

I didn’t explain what I meant very well. Of course there is an awareness of God, here and now, and of course there is a seperation as well. My meaning was that Hell would come after final judgment when all things are known, when all truth is revealed, and for those who had a lifetime to choose God but didn’t–an awareness that they were wrong and an awareness of God’s love/presence (in Heaven) while they are eternally seperated in Hell, would be extreme pain.

For those of you comtemplateing your hell or a hell as the case may be did you ever think that it is possible you Humans are already there?

Since hell in your definition is seperate from God. This earth fits the bill directly, God hasnt made his presence known in over 2000 years. Perhaps you are living in the demention which is seperate from God the torture being the illusion of Gods presence and the hope of forgivness for you sins in the other and after you die when in actuality you just apear here once more to live again in the hell that is the absence of God…?

In accordance with you statement Dan~ If I owned this place and hell I went rent this out and live in hell. But then you must remember that the demention which fits the biblical one of hell is the description for a diferent deminition not the hell in the bible which is the seperation from God.

Oh and I dont know where you found the picture but its not far off from the reality of things…Though the structures are different the rest is almost a match…everything seaths with energy and conciousness. You can see it shimmer if youo look the right way and see the waves of power and essance that cover everything.

The Watcher–I have often wondered if exactly what you just said could in fact be the case.

Btrfly king- The question is not wether it is the case or not, But wether you believe it to be…This Universe is after all, the actuality of your existance.

Well, in that case I would tend to say yes that our experience here in this life is as close as one could get to a Hell (especially concerning separation from God). But if indeed there is an endpoint when truth will be made evident to all, in terms of what higher being is the one true higher being, I think my definition of Hell may change. If for example all who believed in God came to find out that that was a lie or vice versa, what I believed to be Hell here at this point in time, would likely be altered.

Neither will ever be proven or learned as true or false because they are neither and at the same time they are both.

As I said all that matters is what you believe to be true. If anything at all…either way you choose you will be neither wrong nor correct, except that in “your” belief you are one of the two or neither.


Yeah, it shimmers, broils, churns, pulses, flows, penetrates, radiates, and consumes, or is consumed…

Logical fallacy here, if Hell is a separation from God then all things made by God must be removed. Here on earth there is nothing but things of God, and Love, Truth and Compassion are still present. Would it make any sense that all the good gifts of God are present in Hell, a place for those who refuse the gifts of God? In my mind, Hell is a void, nothing else fits the bill, no way Hell can be a place, no energy, no heat, no nothing, just a vacuum of nothing like it was before God said “let there be light”. Dark, empty and cold, think about it.

Unfortunately, the bible, any bible is the poorest source to find a true description of Hell. If you want to know what Hell is, then you need only to be at the bottom of despair with no hope and feel the complete loneliness that accompanies the thought of it lasting forever.

I’ve been there and that is where I got my image of Hell, and I know in my heart it is utter loneliness and complete loss of hope. When that happens time stands still, when no one cares or even knows you exist all things you do are worthless and without reason or purpose. This is what made me realize that nothing you do is worthwhile if you cant share it with someone, this is the key to Love, doing for others, because of others. The opposite it complete selfishness and that is the only reason one goes to Hell and that is what you reap when you get there, the complete emptiness of self service.

If God is Love, which is about others, then the opposite of God is self, which would logically separate you from God.

Hmm… So, whole worlds or realms or beings can be build around certain inward sensations?


What is Logic? Can you say that your definition of such is indeed the definition? Is it really logic? Can this logic explain everything? Is it logical to believe anything? What is your definition of the Universe? Can the Universe be explained by logic? How can this be if the Universe in itself defies this very Logic?

Logic is merley just an oppinion used as a tool to explain and enable you to get your head around somthing that seams to make sence at one point in time and which changes in definition and practice with ones experiances…

Logic itself is a fallacy. You can not even begin to reason logicaly the processes of a Universe which in itself defies the very Logic you would try to explain it with…

Also if hell is a void as you believe it do be then how can one exist with in such? For a void is empty haveing nothing existing within. Therefore you can not go to hell or be in hell by this theory…Once you put somthing in a void it is no longer such and becomes somthing much much more.

Hows that for logic?

Logic is simply connected thoughts that lead somewhere, yes it’s a man made construct but it is useful and quite telling. If someone cannot show their connected thoughts that lead to a conclusion then I say they are irrational or the thoughts do not belong to them, their borrowing someone else’s words. So logic has much use when communicating, it will tell you what kind of person your talking to, it’s also a good indicator of truth.

So in conclusion, logic is not an opinion as opinions by themselves do not have any support or inherent continuity, logic does.

No, you misunderstand the Spirit, the Spirit is of another dimension, Gods dimension if you will. It can only exist in this physical dimension if it has a physical body as a host, once the Spirit leaves the body it is not bound to the things of the physical world and this entire universe is of the physical plane so it cannot reside here as it did not come from here. All of this is assuming you believe in an afterlife, if not then this idea will not mean anything to you.

You or anyone here are welcome to test my logic on this idea to any detail you wish, I have no problem supporting everything I assert. However, as I mentioned, if you don’t believe in eternal life or after life then it will be a waste of time.

How does logic lead you to truth or show a person is telling such? Just because one can reason does not mean he is truthfull, If your faith is in the Bible the Devil is a great logician and deciever…Yet though his statements may make absolute sence, You would say he lies? At least this is what the above statement says. (I use this example to get you to “think”)

A conclusion is an oppinion, if you base the way that is goten their to be logic then yes I will agree with you. That is what logic does (if you clasify it as a thought pattern.)

Someones logic is how they think and figure or structure what they believe.

But that has nothing to do with what I said.

  1. How many spirits do you think there are and why do you think they are all created by God? He himself states that there are other gods. (Most people tend to referance this to idols but he is indeed saying other Gods exist) Of course your belief in such matters is your own.

  2. why do you asume this other deminsion (Which hapens to be one of an infanite number) is the only one?

  3. Yes you are correect you Humans Caporiel forms are indeed a shell bilt or created and evolved to house a metiphysical being.

  4. Again you are correct a Spirit is NOT bound to the physical and can go where it pleases.

  5. The “entire” Universe is NOT of the physical plane it is a part of an infinite number of Universes which exist in an infinate number of Universes, which in turn only take up the smallest fraction of even more infinate Universes which in turn do the same. Which This part you curently exist in just happens to be “Part” of the physical deminsion. But dont think for a second its seperate from the rest Physical or Metiphysical Its all here you just have to look.

  6. Yes a spirit can reside here without a Coporial shell, It must obey certain Physical laws such as mass, and weight but other than that it can be and do as it pleases. Oh and yes Spirits do come from here, Not all of them mind you but many do originate from the Physical Deminsion.

My Job Human, Is not to test your Logic but to have you test it. It is your reality and your existance not mine. I have no desire to controle or corect you I merely tell the big picture and basics of things,

Thats what most do not understand about the Universe, It is what you make it For “You”. If you say God is in control of spirits (Yours specificaly) Than he is, However this does not aply to others whos eventuality of there own existance states diferently.

Until you can fathom everything and nothing at once you will never be able to concieve these questions or understand that the answers If TRUE will only lead you to more question’s. KNowledge is infinate as the Universe itself and therefore no conclusion wich has truth or marit can ever be reached on anything.

If ever you find a question which has a definate answer tell me and I will show you how infinate it actualy is.

The answer only becomes definate when one excepts that it is the end, This in itself is an error for to say somthing is at an end is to forsake the question that gave the answer in the first place.

Oh, and the after life as you phrase it is actualy more of a step tword the metaphysical evolution death being the catalyst…Dan~ I think would disagree with this to some aspect as he believes that death only weakons the spirit, To some degree though he is right. When you die you become very week until you realize what you are and your new abilities (If you do) the reality with which you souround yourself here in your coporial shell has a great determination on the dificulty of this, But that is another post and a book of more information I will not write here.

You humans have so much controle over the Universe and do not even realise it. You would rather create Beings fro yourself to serve and put your Problems on…Of course this in itself is a great feat. Creating a Godform or becoming one is not an easy thing. I rescend some of this statement thinking about that, but will leave it for you to read.

A good liar can deceive this way, but I use it as a rule of thumb as most do. What’s more likely true, someone who tells you something and shows the path that lead to it or someone who just says its so? I did not mean to say this is a perfect acid test, it is not, but it will work 95% of the time IMO.

The number of spirits are irrelevant, but all things have a source and if you continue with that thought you should logically come to the conclusion that it leads to one single source. Their had to be a beginning to all things, all logical evidence here on earth points to that. Who cares how many Big Bangs or major events there were in creation, one had to be first, even if they were simultaneous that would be an ultimate convergence to a single source.

BTW, God never said anything, he doesn’t speak in the form of languages and I don’t believe that there is any logic to the idea he wrote a single word down in any bible, these are human ideas, not Gods. God speaks into your heart with illustrations and ideas, not words and no bible is necessary nor any skill or intellect is required to understand it.

I don’t, nor do I care, its not important for the point I make. I only mean to separate the physical from the metaphysical and point out that there are differences between the two, each with their own set of similar (parallel) but separate rules. I believe we are a Spirit and we live in a body for a limited time and we posses a Soul, which makes us individuals. Without the Soul we are all the same basically. Our choices make us who we are.

Cute, are you being sarcastic or just funny?

I don’t believe it can go where it pleases, I do not believe in ghosts or spirits floating around, there in no purpose to that as far as I can see. There is a set of laws for the Spirit dimension too, there must be since we are Spirits, if not why cant I just leave my body any time I want and come back to quicken some flesh again and reside in the physical again?

Infinity is a funny thing; I’m not sure you quite grasp it as it’s technically impossible for the human brain to conceive in its ultimate form, nor is it relevant for this discussion. If there was a beginning to creation then there is a point where all things started, even if it were multiple points there would be a Void of nothing that the universe is expanding into, this will go on for infinity but it does not ever displace the Void.

This is why I think Hell exists in the Void, it is not created by anything, it is Void, it’s nothing, a lack of, if you will. That’s what you ask for when you contend you entire life to make your own truth and lean on your own understanding which in affect is telling God that his creations are not good enough for you. You effectively refuse all that God is and has done and therefore you get nothing of his by your own will, which only leaves the Void for you to reside.

I must completely and respectfully disagree here, Spirits are only bound by the laws of the Spirit deminsion, they are not physical therefore the physical laws have no hold on them. If I misunderstood you will have to explain further as I cannot figure out how a Spirit can be bound by such laws as gravity when they have no mass or particles.

Being cute again? If you cannot converse with me without pretending you are another entity other then human I will simply stop responding since I wont be able to take you seriously.

Then God does not exist, nor is there any source to life so the thread title is wasted on you. If there is an ultimate source to all that exists then I do not control it, I only control my will and nothing else.

What questions?

What is the source of knowledge?

How about Death?

Is death of the physical body not absolute. Does not every single cell die at one point never to reanimate again. We will all physically die someday, is that not a definite answer? Can you show any physical evidence that the physical body goes on after death?

King daddy,

  1. Q. I say I am not Human because I am not. Why would you not believe this or take me seriously?

A. Because you believe it is not possible or preposterouse? This is a belief and an oppinion and has no effect on the reality of the situation nor on the eventuality of my existance. Sufice it to say I am what I am and then go find the post and read it…Wait here I will give you the link:

ilovephilosophy.com/phpbb/vi … p?t=150242

Read the whole post if you like. May give you some insight, But the end pages are very detailed about the very question of which you seam spoofed.

Wether you take me serriously or not is your entirety not mine.

But do not head information as false because your oppinion of somthing or someone says so. Read it and decide for yourself.

This site is about pondering possibilities not definites as none will ever be reached on anything as everything is infinite and has infinate possibilites.

  1. Who says you cant? And what does it matter weather you see the purpose for it or not? In your reality it is Gods purpose not yours. Weather you understand his purpose for them or not doesnt matter to them or God nor does the fact you cant see them mean they do not exist.

You state that spirits can only come from the “Spiritual Deminsion” How can you conclude a spirit is anything or comes from anywhere if you yourself limit to believing in some and not all?

Is it logical to say God exists? when you cant see him and then turn around and say another does not? Or is this merely oppinion?

You are the one who believes this is not possible, threfore you limit yourself from this possibility, And deny any possibilities that might be.
Instead of searching for what is, you form what will be (Possible and not)…In your reality anyway.

Also do not forgett that if what you state is true than God could not have preformed miricles as he did nor would prayers to this diety do any good.

(NOTE: Prayers in themselves do not require a diety to work as they are energy realeased by emotives from the body with conciousness and thought sent to preform there action in and through the ZD deminsion’s or sub-deminsions if you will.)

However when you Say: Dear God, or Jesus with the intent upon asking a spirit as such God and Jesus are for help this renders the incantation useless acording to your stated “seperation of Physical from Metiphysical” deminsional theory.

But then if your theory is correct why do they still work (At least for some)?

Perhaps this is why prayer to this diety work for some and not others.

  1. If all things come from one source than where did God come from?
    Or rather where did that source whatever it is come from?

NOTE: This is why you can not explain the Universe with logic. This question right here “Above” Defies all logic based on the one source or many source theory’s. If all things come from one=Where did that One come from?

  1. A spirit may not be made of particles persay but it is made of diferent energy signatures and waveforms which can manipulate and change into diferent forms of matter through concious effert (Is conciousness not a form of life based upon energy signatures and waveforms?). Even Your rudimentery Physics and Quantum Physics state this is possible. So yes a spirit can have mass and weight and exist within the physical.

Mass= anything that takes up space.
weight= pressure aplied to sourounding area caused by gravity. would a spirit weigh anything in space?..No. Would you?..No. Whats the diferance?= Gravity of the planitoid or exiting physical remnant upon which the species or being exists. Mass also = Gravity to an extent the more mass the high gravitational field an object will have. Also Magnetic’s play a role in this certain energy waveforms have there own gravitational field and “Pull” so to speak.

  1. Infinitality. You are corect the Human brain is not evolved enough to comprehend but a small piece of what this means…However, The Human brain is also nowhere near evolved enough to sort reality from fantasy as reality is based on what you percieve to be real which is based on what you can and cant experiance through your senses. And your senses are not fully developed. You only use about 16% of your brain curently and the lucky few use 20%. Your still missing 74-80% usage before you can even begin to claim you know what reality is.

Of course when you reach that you’ll realise that it is whatever you want it to be. And why it is the way it is now. Or was the way it was in this senario.

And as I stated before If a void contains somthing even spirits, Than it is no longer “VOID”.

Void= Bereft of, having nothing in, empty, devoid of everything including elements and materials Physical or otherwise, Devoid of life energy existance. Nothingness.

Therefore a Void canot be hell. And you could never reside within such. (Acording to Logic)= If you have an empty cup and put water in it the cup is no longer empty would you agree?

Than if you had a vacume or void and say put energy into it would it still be a vacume or void? (Remember the definition of such)

  1. Does he not? If he is in controle of your spirit is he not existant? If you can say his name and think thoughts of such does he not exist? If you can argue his existance than he must or else you would’nt be able to argue such…Would you agree?

Therefore just because for YOU he is real and does exist, does not mean for another he is not…(Think infinite possiblities in an infinite Universe and then remmeber your above argument.)

Very good.

And for this I have no answer for you. But In my oppinion I would say curiosity. In which turn you could ask what causes curiosity…

7.The physical Body is not a whole it is many many organisms bound together in one form when it dies yes cells decay and turn to dirt in which turn feed insects which do the same and provide soil fro plants in which turn are eaten by other beings. Does the Physical material the body is made of ever cease to exist? No, it does’nt. And the question of death is infinate.

However the above question is asking about a specific organism which even itself does not have a definate end Matter can turn to energy just as energy can become matter. When flesh decays it turns to many diferent elements this in itself can be considered a type of reanimation, transcendance or transformation of somthing is still a process of life, So no, Death of the physical is not definate merely a step in its evolution.

As I said Questions are limitless as are answers.

Because I nor anyone I have ever known has ever seen an intelligent being other then humans and the only other ideas of such are Extra Terrestrials which are highly suspect and without support, in fact most are easily attributed to a mental condition of some kind of divergence. Basically there is no proof of any kind of high intelligence that is not human. Is that a proper explanation? Are you mentally divergent?

Wow, you really do believe that you’re not human, what can I say. You say you’re stuck in a human body and have absorbed another entity along with the human part. Can you tell me what the source of you life force is? Is it the same source as humans? If not there must be many sources to life and if this is so then was there a first or an absolute source to all life? I guess the other alternative would be no source, but then you would have to explain that to me as well.

Is conscience physical life infinite?

I say I cant, I’ve tried, is there a trick to it? I operate on Purpose like all humans and as far as I can tell we share this Purpose with God so it belongs to us all, not just God, he is the author but he gave it to us all. BTW, how would you know my reality, I mean your not even human so it would be a guess just like me claiming to know what you feel or think, no?

Actually I meant to convey that the source of Spirits are of another dimension and that they can only reside in the physical dimension when they have a physical host to live in.

I think you misunderstood, I do believe in other Spirits that have never had a human body, but I also believe that they are bound by some laws and cannot just do anything they want, everything seems to be bound by some laws, are you saying that they aren’t?

If so how come you are, I mean that you claim that your trapped in a human body, that seems like some laws bind you. Are there other spirits of higher power then you, if so can you explain?

Gods Spirit is in my body, that’s what makes me alive and I can feel it, the only difference between me and God is the body and my soul which is my individuality and choice mechanism, this choice shapes me into what I am. I don’t mean to say I am equal to God as I cannot be due to my selfish choices, but I’m in the same class. Do you believe in a hierarchy for Spirits?

I try to keep an open mind but it must have continuity to what I can make sense of, there must be purpose to all living things and all non living things must have a purpose for the living. Without Purpose we humans have no will to exist.

Actually I believe very similar and there is truth in this idea. I personally don’t believe in asking God to do something, its already done or at least the tools to do it are available and you need no divine intervention to receive them. Prayer is more of a self-motivation to help one align and organize or focus thoughts and desires IMO. More on this some other time, don’t have the time right now.

Here is the ultimate paradox of sources; if all things have a source then there must be an absolute that always was. This is difficult for the human intellect and cannot be rationalized with the physical tools we have. Fortunately God’s Spirit resides in us all and once you submit to this Spirit you will understand without using your mind and you will see the Truth, I feel I do.

I think it can, I believe God is a logical God, he created Logic as a tool of reason and understanding, so on some level at some point all things can be understood with this logic.

True from my understanding, except that energy does not change stated into matter, it only quickens it or uses it as a host to reside in the physical dimension, what I mean is that the energy is still present in the matter so it did not actually change into the matter. An atom is a good example, it is made of particles that only comprise of .01% of its displacement, the rest is energy. This energy or glue that holds an atom together is God in my thinking; he is energy, all energy.

I must be rusty on my science, I thought mass had to have some weight? Does gravity have mass?

Are you suggesting that when you entered into a human body you brought a new brain with you? Do you not have a human brain?

Actually I have realized quite the opposite. Once I had made myself abase to the Truth I find that I cannot make anything the way I want it, the Truth is absolute and cannot be changed, I can pretend but that doesn’t actually change anything. Here is an example or test if you will, try and make someone love you. Of course this only works if your rational.

Agreed, however I was speaking of the Void as of now since I believe that Hell is not active yet, the separation is not complete and until it is there will be sleep for the dead. When judgment is passed then those who choose to alienate themselves from God will go to the Void, then as you state it technically wont be a Void any longer as it will contain energy forms or Spirits if you prefer. Of course this is just my interpretation as it rings true to my heart, however even if there were souls/spirits already in this Void the mechanics I believe would still be the same as God would not logically put those who rejected him and all of his gifts in a physical place made by his creation as this would be a contradiction on many levels. The biggest contradiction would be that a spirit does not need a physical place to reside, as a spirit by its self is not physical. This also makes sense to me because this is appropriate to put those where they basically forced themselves to go and it would be very lonely and mentally torturing to be in a dark seemingly empty place without anything of God surrounding you, sort of an infinite abyss.

So I am a free Spirit with no maker or source, no master but me? That would make me God, yet I did not make myself so how can I be God, shouldn’t I know if I am my own source or was always in existence? What would keep me from knowing?

No, I wouldn’t agree, God is not in control of my Spirit, he literally is my Spirit so no control is necessary, God is not divided. My Soul that is the makeup of my choice mechanism is not in Gods control either, I choose what master I serve and all have chosen something. Someone or something is always over you, in this physical life and the next, no one is at the top but God.

See that’s choice in action, and this choice will separate us into two distinct groups ultimately, those who will and those who wont submit to the Truth.

And yet I claim to have the answer, a very simple and logical answer. If there is a creative source to all life then the answer is that that source is the author of knowledge.

If you don’t believe that there is a absolute source to all life then I would like to hear your idea on how we can be in existence without a source and why there is a contradiction in the physical that has much evidence of sources. Why would chaos have birth if everything came into existence form nothing for no reason, why don’t we just materialize from thin air like the big bang. Why even have a big bang, no need for an event if the even t was from nothing to start with, why no jut, poof, everything is there, no beginning or endings, no right or wrong no values or creative thought or pondering our existance.

Yet for these cells that formed a functioning body it is over, they will never be living cells again. I understand the whole Lion King circle of life thing, its not hard, but that doesn’t mean you can logically extend that to mean that the dirt becomes alive at any point. Life may be present in the dirt and use its nutrients but that nutrient is not life. The food I eat will not become life at any point after I eat it and my body will be gone absolutely after I die. Until someone can show evidence otherwise I’ll stick to that reality.

It is true that nothing is ever destroyed but only changes state, however Life only quickens flesh for a short period for a purpose, and life is a separate entity from the body it inhabits, the body is of no consequence and has nothing to do with life, it is made alive by the Spirit, a Spirit that will always exist, but the body in its living form is limited by time.