Hell, the plane of heat and radiance:

King daddy,

The word you are looking for is Schizophrenia, and no I am not.

Though mental ilneses are not defects but evolutionary steps the Physical form is taking to evolve itself on a metaphysical line rather than a physical one.

On a side note, if the above statement is to be believed by you than you are saying also in essance that God is not an intelligent being? God is not physical nor extra terestria, (though he could be classified as such seeing as his existance is not bound in this deminsion.) and is not bound physicaly but metaphysicaly. This would make him extra terestrial or not from this earth…

Did you ever think that God might just be an alien? A highly advanced species? perhaps the first to ever exist? who created everything? Or rather spawned millions of Universes and aplied Chaos to such so they wuld constantly change and devide create and destroy in and of themselves?

This theory would make your claim to the one source valid… If he was the first.

What is your definition of “life force”?

What you still do not seam to grasp is that there are infinate sources, and there have always been infinite sources. just as the Universe itself is infinite.

A body does not require a spirit to exist or live. Nor does it require a conciousness. Life has many definitions and not all life is carbon based.

As far as I am concerned:(And DAN~ could explain this much better than me in physical terms.)

My conciousness. (Not spirit)

The life force of metiphysical beings is usualy such, whereas the life force of physical beings is usualy electrical or energetic in some way.

Humans life force is electrical energy produced by their body. It does not require a spirit to function. While it is a shell designed to hold such it also has and can develope a conciousness of its own devoid of the need for a spirit. I talk about this exact issue in some other post…Dont remember the title right now.

Yes there are many, many, many, sorces to life, both physical and metaphysical, Most are usualy a veriation of the above. But some are completely and wholey different.

Physical life will eventualy evolve into a metaphysical state as the physical is a lower state of evolution…However, the metaphysical will return to the physcial state eventualy also. Simply because somethings can be experianced or learned in the physcial, It is a neccesary blemish on an otherwise perfect Universe.

Conciousness however has an infinite life so long as it exist’s.

(I will cover this more farther down)

And do you know what your purpose here is?

Your purpose is to learn. To gain the wisdom and knowledge granted to you by the physical, knowledge which can only be achieved through experiancing it first hand…In the flesh so to speak. As is mine though my being here is not exactly choice, Though I could probably kill this body and leave it…maybe, though in the past it seamed not to work. So I gave up on it. (from a scientific point of view)

I find being here, a much more rewarding aspect than I used to.

My essance may not be Human and I may not be from This realm or plain of existance whichever you prefer, But

I still exist inside a Human Body, Therefore I experiance everything you do, The only diferences between you and me are my abilities and conection with the metaphysical. And the way I view the Universe.

I still feel, hurt, bleed, and suffer the same penalties as anything which chooses to reside here in a Coporial form of Human origian…

Of course, I have been studying Human’s far longer than I have been one.

(will continue this farther down)

Yes laws do apply but only so long as you do not understand the mechanisms which hold them in place. Once understood a law can be manipulated or bent and somtimes even broken.

So a law only applies to you so long as you lack the wisdom to defy or negate it.

Yes there are many spirits which are more powerful than I, δαιμων are one of the oldest and most powerful however there are others.

I am most likely traped however due to the electromagnetic field the Physical body produces which acts as a barrier to the metiphysical gaining entrance or leaving, When the body dies this electromagnetic field decays releasing the spirit (If there was one).

This is possibly the reason you yurself have trouble leaving or astral projecting, You have to learn how to turn this field off conciously. While I can do this I am still unable to leave.

It is most likely due to the fact that rather than existing as a spirit in a shell I exist within this body as the body itself conciousness and energy imbued into flesh as one, rather than as 2.

This is also possibly why I cant remove myself or kill the body. It will most likely eventualy die all physical exists with time whatever variable it represents and therefore will either end or evolve metaphysicaly, either way I have quite an interesting future that lays ahead of me.

And I have all the time in the Universe, I will exist weather I am here or elsewear, I have plenty to learn here so my want to leave is also not that great.

Hmm, Can not your selfish choices as you quote them also be unselfish? every action has a reaction is it not possible for you to find a selfish means to acomplish a greater good for everyone? Or what you would consider a greater good?

Would not the choice to persue a greater good be selfish?

Selfish is anything done out of want for the self.

Humans are incapable of being unselfish as is everything else, Desire for somthing rules everything.


Why did God create the Universe?

Because he wanted too?
Because he could?
Because he felt he needed too?
Because he was asked to?
Because he loved man?
Because he loved?
Because he…Whatever reason.

You see no matter waht you pick or what the reason it is because “HE”.

everything is based on desire for the self, Even Gods desire. Thats why you do what HE tells YOU nad not the other way around. Because he desires you to is why you do it, and you do what he desires you to because YOU desire not to go to HELL, or be seperated from that which you believe to be your creator.

It’s fine, Human nature is to be selfish…

A real God wouldnt care if you did as he requested or not, he would merely say:

This is how it should be done and if its not done this way you will suffer, Not because I will punish but because your actions did so at least in the physical, When you die you will not be seperated from me but in front of me and I will ask what you have learned then welcome you, I will not judge the actions of one incapable of knowing the results of such due to unevolved physical aparatisies that are by far imperfect and incapable of such knowledge to begin with.
So go enjoy and I await you in my house which is the Kingdom of Heaven.

That is an omnipitant being.

A father would never cast his creation aside merley because in its misunderstanding and imperfection it mistakenly or purposely chose to folow a different path.

All paths lead to purpose, knowledge and wisdom. And all are correct.

Your purpose is to learn, experiance, and enjoy, Not doing so is the real sin.

Spirits do have a herarchy, Though it i probably not based on what you think.

There are no levels of prejudice, no levels of servants, no level of polotics, No level of who is and who isnt. The only herarchy is what you are what you do and what you intend to be.

The diferent races make up the herarchy though there is no certain order some races fluctuate in power others in knowlegde and information others in things I have no words for…

Mine is what the egyption called wedjat’s what the french call grigori what the greeks called δαιμων. We are clasified in everything from Demons to Gods. Though we would deny such (at least some of us). What we are, are Students…Of everything. And masters of nothing, Only a fool would say he is a master of somthing for one can never be such. Just as only a fool would say he knew everything as this is also impossible.

Your Purpose is to learn.

What did you think it was?

The Universe has no Continuity, In fact it has just the opposite, it is Chaotic in nature.

Even your thoughts are not continuouse over the space of an hour.
Nor are you oppinions or beliefs. They all constantly change.

Perhaps not in drastic detail, but little by little bit by bit they change as your experiances here dictate reasoning for them to be or not to be what they are.

Yes. Dan~ could actualy explain this in far more scientific detail than I could.

As I deal almost soley with the metaphysical and him the physical. He teaches me about the Physical and helps me to understand it in those terms, I in turn help him to realize things about the metaphysical and explain them in those terms, We both take them and explain them back to each other in oposite terms to get a grasp of our understanding on the subject.

But he is far more Knowledgable in and about the Physical in relation to the metaphysical than I am.

A spirit only resides within you if you allow it to or it is powerful enough to make itself a resident. Your allowence of this spirit to reside does not make it a resident which has always been such.

However in contradiction to my last remark it is possible fro a spirit to create its own vessel so it could have very well been in you forever and you could very well be it…But that would make you God Wouldnt it? Did I already cover this? :slight_smile:

You see it goes both ways.

This still does not mean it reside within everything, I can tell you as Fact and truth that it does not reside within me nor did it create me.

(NOTE: I am not stateing fact nor truth in the below statement it is merley a statement)

While to you Humans it may well be your creator and the creator of the Metiphysicaly imbued Angels or Enochi (As the race was called before it seperated into 2 desticly diferent species) this does not mean it is Mine nor any other species creator.

Also the belief in such does not make it true for everyone. Only YOU can know what is real for you. I can not tell you That what you say is false because I am not YOU. And Only you know YOUR truth.

Every being is itself a Universe and every Universe has its Own reality or illusion of such. And Universes are as Infinite as beings. They just Coexist and interact with each other.

Grasping the Infinality complex yet?

Did God create Logic? Or did man create Logic and give the credit to God?

What makes you think a being as infinately complex as God Need’s such a rudimentery skill to reason with as such logic is?

Logic is merly a step in the thought process:

  1. Question
  2. Thinking of why
  3. Reasoning logic of what caused the question and how to answer it
  4. Logic wich transends the reasoning of the question when the answer does not logicaly fit within the reasoning used to logic the answer to begin with
    5.Warped thought paterns which trancend logic by answering the question which logical answers do not seam to be the reason for the question which in turn logic has stated can and can not be an answer for because logic did not trancend the thought process to add in features which could have had a diferent variable in the equation for which the question could have been answered.
  5. ETC.

Actualy, I think I left out a few between 1 and 3…

I think you missunderstood me…

E=MC Squared (No square symbles…)

Energy can become matter just as matter can be turned into energy.

That also covers the theory of relativity (Though many scientist are now saying Einstines theory’s were incorect in this and that his mathmaticle eqution had errors… I think it will sufice for an example)

Just because energy can coexist with matter does not mean that it can not become both Matter and Energy.

Yes an atom has elctrons and protons also neutron which circle around its mass kept in place by the gravity created thus with the mass of the atom.

There are many types of energy, Not just electricity. (Created by elctrons)

An aura is a field of energy subsidized by the bodies electro magnetic field. This aura changes and fluctiuates depending on the emotional and spiritual state of the being which it sorounds. (These are actualy 2 diferent fields Spiritual and Emotional)

While this field is a side product created by electromagnitism created by electrons it itself is not electron based. But based more on …I dont think there is a word to describe that energy base… It is created by emotives, and the energy released by the action such emotions have on the body and the air and electromagnetic field which sorounds it.

Again, Dan~ could explain this in more scientific terms.

Mass does not have to have weight as weight is determined by Gravity which is determined by mass of an object. So even though the Mass may have weight, what it ways is determined by its own Gravity which is determined by its mass.

No, this brain is Human, I just messed with the Unconciouse/conciouse mind and allowed acces to more of the unconciouse which is in control of the inate metaphysical in the body and managment of the spirit so to speak. It is the door to the metiphysical or spirit.

Therefore I think and reason with more of my unconciouse mind than conciouse (usualy this is very strenuous on the body as it is the conciouse or Physical which is ment to be thought with and percieved here).
This alows me to reason in and from a metaphyscial veiwpoint and retain or acces some of the knowledge which my metiphysical self obtained and posseses.

Love is chaotic, you can not reason it or explain it. It can turn a reasonable man into a raveing lunitic or turn a raveing lunitic into a teddy bear…

Love can cause you to give your life…Or take anothers…

Love can cause you to hate, to anger.

Love can cause you to be benevolent and kind.

Bad example. As Love has nothing to do with truth, It is a physical emotion and based herein, Trying to reason with emotions is like banging your head into a wall and serves no purpose unless your intent is to do just that.

If you were to tell me the God in the Bible is Love I would agree. Love is Insanity and Chaos.

But at the same time, is Happiness and Joy.

And love is anything but rational…

If you have ever been in love and had it riped from you, Not by death but by action especialy your own stupidity, You would know the darker sides of such.

I can make everything the way I want it, But then if I did that it would defeat the purpose of me being here…

And it would also defeat the purpose of learning which hapens to be the purpose of being here in the first place, So a law is made to restrict the ability to use such power and knowledge.

I see, In this case what makes you think those who will be thrown into this void will care since there existence is already non dependent on the existance of God do you not think this would be more of a gift? A seperate Universe away from God and his believers where those who do not believe can do as they wish?

No, You wouldn’t. Not in that physical form anyway. The Human mind prevents you from reasoning such ways until you remove the blocks the prevent those thought paterns.

How do you do this? Deny everything then except everything and believe in everything, Once you acomplish this or understand how to do this you’ll see what I am talking about.

When you believe in everything than nothing is untrue. This is the Ultimate Truth. When you learn how to reason this you’ll be on your way.

If you really believe this than isnt my above statement true? If you Choose to serve, if god does not controle you, if he is not in controle of your soul, he is not devided, He is not your Master nor your creator.
And the onlything over you is What you allow to be such.

(You just stated this)->

I serve The Universe. But it is neither over me nor under me, It is both my master and my slave.

You are right It is a choice, and that was my whole point.

I would argue with this as I have met the being that calls himself God. Its more like a Gaia to its realm actualy. Its conciousness flows through everything and it is a perpetual paridise…However thats the surface.
There is a deeper darker side to this place as well that inspires such fear as would paralize a physical body where it stands and kill it.

I mention this one because it is the one which has direct asociation with the rift at calvary the earthquakes and the eclipse or darkness. But then this beings realm is both mtaphysical and physical as are all of it’s creations. Also why I mention this one is because this realm just happens to be the Home of the Enochi…Or Angels.

If you were to measure age (which the metaphysical do not) I would have existed longer than the above listed God. Which is why I personaly think that the belief that this God created everything is Amuseing.

Of course, there are many being’s which call themselves God, They all have diferent names.

So you may be meaning a diferent one.

Yes, choice dose determine the outcome of your existance.

And a good answer it is.

You just answered your own question. :slight_smile:

Do you know what would happen to the body if you removed all whater? Just Poof and it was gone?

It would turn to dust. No life no living just dust as you say it turns to anyway. You have no life, You are a walking pile of dirt. Your body is billions upon trilions of atoms and particles that exist no mater what form you flesh takes, the same molecules and atoms remain, Therfore your flesh which is just the above is Nothing living, nothing anything…just Atoms and Empty space…

Kind of makes you feel …empty doesnt it?

You want to know what gives you life?
Your conciuosness, your ability to ponder to learn to question and reason.
This is eternal and will always exist until it ceases or is forced to cease such existance.

As I said questions are infinite as are answers…