Are you actually asking a question, mikey?
No, I said the opposite of that. I’m saying that you commit sins all the time irrespective to whether you believe in God or not. You know, stealing, lying, covetous thoughts, so on and so forth. We all earn hell through being broken people who don’t do and think the right things. This is true even if you do believe in God.
No, you stuck that in there, it’s not what I said.
No, I believe you're not worthy because you've almost certainly lied, you've probably stolen, you've probably wished harm on others, you've probably been jealous of what other people have that you don't deserve, you've probably lusted after people that you had no business lusting after, you in all likelihood have wished that somebody was dead at some point in your life, and etc. etc. In fact, if your typical of today's society, you didn't just do those things once a long time ago, you do some of them daily. I don't know you, maybe you're the Perfect Person.
Most of all, if you think you deserve Heaven (eternal respite with God), if you think it’s owed to you, then I think you’re guilty of extreme levels of vanity.
I’m not singling you out, everybody is guilty of most things on that list, I believe I said that too. The fact that you don’t believe in God means you don’t have any sort of medicinal relationship with Jesus, which means in turns that God will judge you according to the life you’ve led. If I’m right about anything on the above list, the judgement will be Not-Heaven. I don’t believe in Purgatory, so that means hell.
I find it interesting that you state you think you’re a good person, but every other time you use the word, you stick it in quotes, like you really don’t know what good is, or possibly don’t think there is such a thing. Why is that?
No. That IS the question. Since we’re assuming God exists, and that He’s the wise one who Judges for the sake of argument, you don’t get to wonder about what “good” is, or decide it for yourself, or make up the rules as you go along. According to the scenario provided, God would keep His own council on what a good person is, a holy person, and that would be the standard. It has nothing to do with believing in God, that part.