hello there

nice to meet you all. I’ve only been looking around here for maybe two days, but I’ve already posted 2 or something threads and so I figured I’d better introduce myself.

My name is Jacki. I’m a college student going into my junior year. just changed my major over to middle grades education (english and social studies will be my concentrations). I’ve always loved philosophy and for 3 years I posted on another board, but the people there really suck now for untold reasons, so I’m looking for a new place with people that I can actually hold a thoughtful conversation with and feel like I’m learning something.

um. to keep this thread from being a really horribly boring newbie thread, I have a question to ask you all. it’s a very important question and you need to answer it with the utmost consideration:

if your nose was a button, what would it do?

keep jackets closed


I don’t think that this is very funny. Due to a birth defect that could not be prevented or satisfactorily repaired at the time (1958) my nose actually is a button.

Quite frankly, I am tired of being the brunt of the jokes of the insensitive.

can i push your button

tee hee

that’s awesome. you are now my hero.

Easy, Dust - it would turn your ears on and off!

wow. I actually havn’t heard that one before. nice.

Make my head explode.