While i have taken logic classes, I don’t remember ever having the types of logic “named”. But lately, I’ve been introduced through the internet to some who say this kind of logic is proven, or that one is dis-. I hear names like “sentential” or “analytic” or “inductive” used as qualifiers.
Would some kind person enlighten be briefly on what are the types of logic spoken about and what do they mean?
my real name
(no, i’m not a philosophy major, i was a great books major.)
I’ve studied two basic type of logic so far: Sentential and Predicate.
SL deals with propositional variables, and PL deals with both propositional and quantified variables. PL allows us to use “all”, “some”. and “none” in arguments, thus allowing us to define the universe of discourse that a given statement applies too.
Although I haven’t studied modal logic, it is my unerstanding that it extends to ecompass possibilities and necessities.