I found an obscure philosophy about a year ago but I can’t remember what it’s called… It had something to do with challenging basically all notions about reality and logic and so on, and all the text was extremely formal and hard to read for more than 30 seconds before losing focus. Most of the time it seemed like nonsense made by combining long verbs, adjectives and nouns from a thesaurus into grammatically appropriate structures.
I think it’s a pretty recent philosophy and it had its own fairly large community back when I found it. It might have something to do with philosophy of mind; I found this “hyponoetics” which seems similar but the language isn’t nearly as esoteric and it seems much more coherent at a glance (not that I’m endorsing it).
By recent I mean in the last few years. I don’t know how else to describe it but to say it felt like it was totally empty of meaning and randomly generated by a computer, and yet there was always a sense that I was just missing some deeper abstract concept in the onslaught of stilted language.
It wasn’t in the same vein as nihilism; they had a different view on cognition or ontology/metaphysics or something like that. They also invented a bunch of bizarre words to go along with their theory, and one site had a glossary with definitions that didn’t really help to understand anything.
It’s not as bad as I remember but it’s definitely hard to glean any information without a lot of patience for picking apart the language. Maybe you guys are more used to it than I am.
I seem to remember it involving cybernetic culture or something too…