Help me

Hey guys, I hope I’m not breaking any rules, but if you have time please click the following link to help a non-profit’s cause. If they get the most views, then they stand to win $5,000. It’s for a good cause, and I don’t stand to win anything by this. I don’t know if refreshing on that page increases the view-count, but maybe it does.

Thank you,

Well you could of asked a mod first.

What’s the cause?

This thing is only for today, and I don’t think it’s that big of a deal.

They didn’t win the $5000 prize, but they did get something. Thanks to all who helped.

Shit I didn’t help. apologies it wasn’t because I didn’t trust your link, it was because I didn’t log in at the right time. Gz though?

You’re a winner. :smiley: