Recently, after joining this forum, some people have been calling me names like “moron” and “fool”. And I just wanted to bring this up to you wonderful moderating staff, and that you guys are on this pretty air tight. I mean, I really don’t like being called these names, as they REALLY hurt my girl feelings, and hurt my emotion feelers. I feel scared and hurt when people call me names like “stupid” and “fool”.

So I just wanted to make sure that you guys are aware of this VERY BIG PROBLEM on this philosophy forum. I get harrassed her quite often and I don’t like it. I have been thinking of leaving this forum because I get harrassed and picked on so often. I know what it must feel like, now, to be homosexual and bullied at school. I HATE IT. I really hate this.

Do you have any threads to which you could link me?



In the thread where KrisWest referred to you as an idiot, it appears that prior to that you said to her:

And the topic was in Mundane Babble, so I’m going to let that one go altogether.

I noticed the thread with Apaosha because you reported that post, and I have responded in that thread accordingly.

Oh, I didn’t know we could insult other people in the mundane babble forum, awesome! Can I call her a dirty bitch then?

I also DID report her on it. I don’t think anybody took care of that. Please do.

You called her out, brother.

It’s kind of like in football when two penalties cancel each other out, but only because it was in MB and because they were relatively light insults. Any other thread, and I’d probably toss you both a warning.

Mind telling me where I apparently “called kriswest out”?

Just because I will NEVER conform to her ego, does not mean that she will not conform to mine. I am less subject to change than she is. There is no CRIME in this. But for her to call me an idiot as a result of this, she deserves to be punished, not I. Oh, you mean I broke a rule? Where? Let’s get descriptive, and precise.

Prove it. Show me where I broke the rules. Let’s see it in black and white. Then let’s see where it is acceptable for kriswest to call me an idiot, even though “hey no problem it’s in mundane babble so I guess it’s alright to insult people there”.

I never said it was acceptable for her to call you an idiot, I merely said that I let it go because it’s Mundane Babble and because you set the tone of that thread. I’ve already quoted what I consider to be your personal attack on KrisWest, note that I did not accuse you of name-calling, but rather making a personal attack and calling her out.

I don’t call people names.

Listen, burrito, I really like you as a person. I mean that, even though I don’t even know you.

Wait, nevermind what I just said. Let me put it different.

Imagine you were in charge of a website named “ilovephilosophy”. Well, your motive would be to find the most intelligent people alive, and to force those most intelligent people alive to post interesting, VALUABLE knowledge. This would be the idea of your website. You want to turn these most intelligent people alive into your personal slaves. And if they get out of line, then you threaten to shoot them, or their loved ones, their closest family members. You do this, because you want a SUCCESSFUL online philosophy website, where the best and brightest go to do philosophical work.

But we are not there yet. As of right now, anybody can join this beautiful philosophy website, and write absolutely STUPID and INANE bullshit. I mean, take a look around you. People write completely dumb stuff. But, in order to keep “civil” we have to pretend to take them seriously, even when we don’t. This includes petulant little teenagers who post STUPID PICS up, where they appear to have taken a wrong detour away from 4chan. What would YOU do with these teenagers, if you had to run this magical philosophy website? I know what I would do. I would BAN THEIR ASSES and not think twice about it.

I would ban them for, I don’t know, 3 months for each trolling occassion. So you got off lite if you ask me. You’re lucky I’m not in charge of a philosophy website. Face it, you ARE a troll. Why? Because you don’t have anything interesting or relevant to say. And when somebody comes along to DOES say something interesting and or relevant, you don’t contribute, you don’t agree or disagree, you just post some stupid 4chan pic, and hope that your mere presence alones garners you some respect and dignity in the eyes of the greater community. This happens ALL THE TIME, trust me on that.

If you were not a troll, then you would actually post some threads, make some serious comments, and share your ACTUAL VIEWS of the world. But, you don’t. I think you need to finish puberty before you register at this website. When you have small children and teenagers running around a forum built for adults, well then, this is what you get, TROLLING. And, not coincidentally, it usually is the TROLL who accuses others of trolling. Isn’t that funny how that works?? Maybe we should have listened to Jesus Chrsit, our dearest Lord and Savior, and he who is guilt should not cast the first stone. Then again, teenagers haven’t lived long enough to really be guilty of anything. So I guess ignorant, naive teenagers can cast the first stone. Uh oh, nevermind then.

I think a philosophy website should have an age restriction of 25 years old. That would cure 99.99999999% of trolling. And I don’t even think you would be allowed on this forum, huh?

At the VERY LEAST, I actually try to GIVE something to this community, other than asinine threads and comment. What do YOU do? What thoughts do YOU have worth giving? If nothing, and you troll, well then that is a bad combo, and I would expect another ban, if that was what I did all thie time.

And before you accuse me of not conributing, I created the thread where I disproved General Relativity in three sentences.

I also contributed to a couple other threads too, that I really liek. Basically, you should respect a good thread and its author, and if you have some cojones, then you can start YOUR OWN THREAD where people will either take an interest in it, or not. I think if you are INTELLIGENT then many people will come to either agree or disagree with you. Isn’t that THE POINT of a philosophy website anyway? I don’t think many people are that interesting though, just a few that REALLY stick out. If I get to know the names and faces of the poeple of this website, then I think I could probably recognize really fast who is interesting and who is not. It kind of jumps out at you, huh.

OH, burrito, you just remeinded me of something

You reminded me of when I was chatting with this young child, just the other day. I was lecturing him on something, and I could tell he was paying attention to every word I said, then when we were finished, he pretended like he didn’t hear a thing. It was SO FUNNY. He was telling me how he ignored me, even though it was so EASY for me, and others, to see that he actually listened to EVERY WORD attently.

I call this denial.

You’re welcome, burrito.

Now off with you, and we shall all expect to see your illuminating brilliance in the days to come. We want to learn the deepest secrets of the universe, from you.

Or not.

And what is the voice of a cynic to a philosopher, except another noise to drown out with reason?

Nevermind what I just said, vicious burrito, you will understand what I meant after you voice quits cracking in those awful high pitch cacophonies.

I have not insulted you once, unless you take being a teenager as an insult. But wouldn’t that then be insulting myself, when I was your age? I could say that babies are dumb, because they’re mute and they don’t know how to talk yet. That’s not insulting them. It’s just telling everybody that age is a factor in intelligence. Just because a teenager is young, dumb, and ignorant, doesn’t mean that the teenager WON’T grow into a knowledgeable, proud, respectable adult.

I don’t think it’s insulting to be a teenager, do you? I was a teenager once too, you know. If I insult you because of that, then I insult myself, and all teenagers too.

Who is smarter, intelligent, SUPERIOR AND UBERMEEEEEENSCH OMG!!!?!

A 2 year old, or a 35 year old, or a 112 year old? What factor does age have on intelligence? Isn’t there a golden median here?

If you think you are as smart as you will ever be, at age, what is it burrito, 19? then that is LAUGHABLE!!! LOL! You think you are at your PEAK of intelligence now?? :laughing:

Mind to tell me where I “insulted” you? I know you obviously FEEL insulted, but where? Point it out. Quote it.

I remember when I was a teenager, so young and deluded, naive and ignorant. Oh wait, I just INSULTED MYSELF!!! Wrong, just telling a truth burrito. A 35 year old man is more intelligent than a 2 year old. That was the correct answer. Because the 2 year old has not developed its INTELLECT. It takes time, maturity, and most important of all, PUBERTY! Don’t worry, you will be finished with your PUBERTY in, how old are you again? Doesn’t matter, for some it takes a short while, and others, a long, LONG time. I read a study a week ago that black people physically mature faster than whites. I don’t know if it’s true or not, but thought the concept was interesting. Anyway, yeah, if you feel insulted because you are a TEEN, then you should reconsider your hurt feelings.


Not sure about that, when I was two I didn’t smoke a pack a day. Though I did shit in my pants more often. Hmm. Now I’m undecided.

Okay, burrito, I ADMIT IT!!! Girl emotions and “feelings” are a tricky subject to conquer. I even have a few girl feelings emotions myself. Like when somebody calls me stupid, I get really angry and shreak in a high pitch voice. That thing that I said about your voice cracking, that was NOT AN INSULT, just a fact of puberty. You honestly aren’t through puberty. You and I, we both know that. You are not fooling anybody here. If you are a tennager, and you are a teenager, then this does not in itself qualify for any type of INSULT, whether you perceive one there or not. What I am doing is, affecting your girl emotions feelings with a delicate touch. I am cradling and caressing your ego.

Announcing that your voice cracks HARDLY is an insult. But, do you want to know something funny? I can call a person stupid, and I would get in trouble for it here. Okay, I understand and accept that. But would I get in trouble if I called a 2 year old stupid, when it is, by all given definitions? A 2 year old has no visible intelligence. In fact, monkeys are smarter and MORE INTELLIGENT than 2 year olds. So, you see, my insult carries no WEIGHT there.

Now what happens if we start calling men, women, or boys, girls? What if I call you a GIRL or a PUSSY? How does that constitute an insult? Ahhh, there lies the rub. This is all about girl emotions. If your (or mine) girl emotions get hurt, then we go call mommy and daddy to protect us. This is the situation here. Because my girl emotions got hurt, by kriswest and apaoaha, I wanted to get my sky daddy, God, to come and save me. But, they really didn’t come. I am beginning to become cynical, like you, and believe they, er, HE, does not exist. Nobody is going to protect my girl emotions here. So maybe God will come save me sometimes, but not others. Sometimes I will get warned or banned for calling a stupid person stupid, or a girl a girl, or a guy a girl, but sometimes not.

What if we were to call monkeys GENIUS or 2 year olds SMART COOKIES or girls or women MEN.

Next time kriswest attacks me, that is what I will do, I will call her a DIRTY SMELLY MAN!!! And that will really get under her skin!!! She will come crying to the staff, I mean God, as I have done, looking for help. Because I have assaulted her girl, no, GUY EMOTIONS so harshly. She will crawl and hide under a rock.

And I will also call YOU a MATURE ADULT, in which case YOU will be begging the moderators to save you from me. Because, it obviously affects your GUY EMOTIONS and so you need help, as I needed help with my GIRL EMOTIONS. That is what this is all about. GUY emotions.
