Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life,

and our genes used to match with many other people as well is that means i conclude every man whose genes used to match with me as my father and brother ? so `1st of all tell us the process by which we understand this thing that who is our real father ?

and no saying that there was no father before your birth and you were dropped from the sky into the womb of your mother. that is not possible.

and we shall see everything that who is real spiritual master and what is the way to find him. but `1st of all tell us the process by which we understand this thing that who is our real father ?

and you keep your great vision into side and tell us the process of knowing our real father. cuz you never seen him before your birth. so tell us the process by which we understand this thing that who is our real father ?

and no saying that there was no father before your birth. that is also not possible.

Put all personhood and all things into the cosmic blender [metaphor for universal duality [the serpent and the dragon]], and you end up with no personhood and no things! So I’ll ask you; who is our real father? Who made that father, and how can a complexity precede the simplicity? Define oneness.

or more simply if you cannot understand that; what made God?


and now dont avoid the real issue and tell us the process by which we understand this thing that who is our real father. come on friend. cuz before your birth you never seen him.

and if you want to understand Krishna ( aka creator or god ) then you must prove it that you have perfect intelligence by which you will understand him. and the first step to know it that weather you have perfect or you are under the grip of natures laws of forgetfulness is to recall everything which you have thought or done on each second within`1 minute.

come on ( friend ) now prove it that there is perfect intelligence. so that you can understand Krishna ( or god ) as he is. come recall everything ( also ) and at the top dont avoid the real issue and tell us the damn process by which we understand this thing that who is our real father. come on ( after all its an open challenge )


I think that you are playing us ~~ at least I hope that you are. :evilfun:

But one of the answers is to LIVE IN THE PRESENT MOMENT. What does it matter that at that time one couldn’t know his /her father.

We get to know someone by conversation, relating, being interested in someone’s life.
Of course, if your father cannot be open and loving and cannot tell you about his own personal journey, then even that tells you something about the kind of man he is.

How do we get to know anything? By paying attention as James said. We learn by observation, perhaps studying someone as they are not watching us.
Ask your grandfather or your grandmother about your father when he was a little boy.
We get to know someone by being interested enough to get to know them.

I think you are playing us. lol

and you can think many nonsense things which has no value. so what is the value of your thinking ? and im not talking about the character of your father. but im asking about the process by which we understand this thing that who is our real father.

so tell us the damn process. ( foolish idiot ) and no saying that there was no father before your birth cuz you never seen him. and you were dropped from the sky into the womb of your mother. that is not possible.

But then again, everyone can teach us something. We just need to dive deeply to let it speak to us. :evilfun:


That would depend on how close my thinking brought me to reality and to making conscious reasonable decisions.
What is the value of YOUR thinking?

You are/were asking about how to know one’s father. Try using the below. It may or may not get YOU somewhere. … thod.shtml

You really need to get out there and walk.


…or you may at least clear your mind and stop speaking in tongues…so to speak.

and you are nothing but an failure. that is all. since you failed in telling the damn process by which we understand this thing that who is our real father. so now there is no meaning in beating the horse which is already dead. that is all.

Is that a promise?

There NEVER WAS meaning in beating the dead horse.
People just need time to detach from things or from their selves.


Why would one have only one’s self to blame, James? If i called Yoda and he didn’t come, there could be any number of reasons why he didn’t. He could be eating, drinking his water, doing his thing in the litter box, all curled up in a corner content, or just plain not wanting to come to me.

Cats are highly independent. Why would that put the blame on me or you or anyone else?
If those you mentioned felt as you do, in that moment, they would not be so wise, would they?

There is the cat and then there is the metaphor. Using the word as a metaphor, i can understand your reasoning. :mrgreen:

and who are you ? who are you `1st of all ? are you anothre authority ? alright give me another explanation so that i can start following you now. and if you have nothing then why shall i follow street dog like you ?

you keep your nonsense to yourself with your fellow sheeps.

The cat will come when you give him sufficient cause. If you aren’t going to do that, you shouldn’t be calling and wanting things to happen without cause.

If one calls for a reasonable answer to an inquiry, yet in frustration is not getting it, perhaps there is insufficient cause. Well, no … there IS insufficient cause. And one should not be found wanting for what isn’t to be (“Thy frustration is upon thee”).

and my ( dear ) cutie pie what is the value of your useless nonsense ? what is the value ? since you polish yourself as philosopher but acting like an rascal pig is that is how philosophers works ?

since you have failed in supplying rational answers. therefore you are nothing but an damn failure. who is still polishing himself as intelligent in the first place.

but what is the value of such duplicity ? cuz the mistake is detected on that time when you speak nonsense.


First of all, I was and am still star dust.
Secondly, I am fluidity.

This is a prime example of the pot calling the kettle black.
I do not see myself as being an authority on anything ~~ at least not at first glance.

Evidently, you see yourself as an authority figure here.
I think it would be far more practical for you to invest your time and energy in finding practical ways in which to live THIS life which is yours to its fullest…instead of wasting time on what cannot be shown nor proven.

Consider that you were given one minute of consciousness after death in which to discover that after that minute it would be sheer oblivion for you.
You hear the sound of laughter as you slip into that final moment of nothingness and you hear the words:
" HAHAHAHAHA ~~ what a fool you are".

What practical wisdom would that teach you about your so-called next life? HMMM?

I am neither a leader nor a follower. I can give you a bit of advice here though. Invest in a dictionary.

Well then you have just answered your own question. WHY?
Best not to follow this “street dog” or get to close. I might just bite you.

Have you ever the expression: “One man’s meat is another man’s poison”? Best not to eat of my meat.
There is also another one: “Do not throw your pearls before the swine”.

It’s a shame that you waste all of this time and energy destroying the English language, pretending to be what you are not. You speak in tongues! Nothing but empty babble!

Know Thyself!