Hey you, have you ever had the walls around you melt
Or felt, the massive amounts of love, that surround you,
When you know your just tripping, with big spoonfull
A lotta life from birth, untill the day, this voyage is done
Can you let it all go not away, and live without a care,
For your hair, or dumb mistakes that everyone makes
Will you begin, to walk around, with a gigantic grin,
With that everlasting feeling, that you can only win
Even if you´ve never walked through, the driest,
Of desert heats, will you appreciate the moment,
Everytime your lips and water meet, one another
If your lifes not locked up, in a dungeon down below,
For a thousand years with no window, will you love,
That blowing wind thats brushing across your face
The one that could bring, a prisoner to tears, on anyday
Once its the moment when a person finally knows
Its not just a feeling, thats coming, to betray the mind
You´ll find, its always been awaiting there, not where
Thats not the question, Its why not right fuckin here
Get your motor in gear, straight ahead, right or a left,
It makes no difference, in a circle is where you´ll steer
Fear is your brakes, from moving to fast, past sanity
From experincing too much, but see and gain, a little clarity
Feeling yourself, flying off the track, snap back to reality
Punch the clutch and downshift quick, mend that little rift
Clutch onto life, and resume the ride its ok, your still alive
Every single second is a brand new stride, keep walking
Pride is fine for you, but for them, love is more wonderful
Swim in these oceans, but dont get caught in the underpull
If you feel enough power, then stand up, try riding the wave
Beause you can, when you believe, this wave will keep going
Getting better, and will never recede, not at this time, or ever
When you think all you need is a chance, give yourself a try
Cause your the only one who knows when your about to cry
Or a smile, they are really the exact same thing, both are great
What are your tears, but your body trying its hardest, to celebrate
It wasn´t sadness for glad times you lost, just overwhelming feeling
For the price of what, those good times cost, a little bit of your life
Its tied, your memory, always part of you when you can be, the same
Sometimes you cant and thats okay a clean slate a mind thats so tame
Precieve belief as your lifes command, not a racket, an organized band
Brain baton, you composer and conducter, standing at lifes music stand
Feeling vibrations, elations pulsating, awaiting for some more interaction
It comes but doesnt make you stop, no cops for speed, no traction needed,
Slide and bump, twist and glide, letting go and taking hold, knowing wide
Make your mark, in light or dark, choose to be alot of bold, before a lie
But know the truth is more than your were told, to find think discovery
Uncover whats truly me, and you´ll finally be able to see, with no mirror
Start now you still have time, there is no judgement or crime, of lost time