Hi, I am a 15 year old sophomore in high school. For much of my life i have wanted to be an engineer, but stating about a year ago i started thinking about a lot of things, and started reading some things on philosophy on the internet.
As of now, i am seriously thinking of studying philosohy in college. although is teaching the only thing i can do after studying philosophy in college? Because i don’t think i could be a teacher.
i would apprecate any help and answers i can get, and i looked foward to disscussing philosphy on these forum with all of you.
Anyway, real academic philosophy died in 1980, when Sartre died. Anything left is mental masturbation, nice suits, extensive vocabularies, and other capitalistic extravaganzas.
well its unfortunate philosophy has sold out like most other things, but in that case do you have any suggestions on books to read. I don’t care what the exact subject is as long asa it provokes thought.
and just wondering did or do any of you have the problem where you try to talk to your friends about some of your philosphhical thoughts and it blows over them. thats basicallywhy i joined this forum because without intelligent conversation i cant really further my ideas.
"and just wondering did or do any of you have the problem where you try to talk to your friends about some of your philosphhical thoughts and it blows over them. thats basicallywhy i joined this forum because without intelligent conversation i cant really further my ideas. "
“Philosophy is everyone’s business.” – M. J. Adler
“It’s not how many books you get through that matters,
but how many get through to you.” – ditto
“It is better for a man to seek wisdom than riches,
but if a man be poor, let him seek riches.” – Aristotle
Welcome to the world of philosophy!!
my real name
(P.S. I don’t really follow Aristotle’s advice here myself. I’m still wishing to go to grad school to become some kind of a societal gadfly. But undergrad Philosophy majors rate highest on GRE (verbal) tests; Philosophy’s supposedly a good pre-law study too. As for teaching, could you run a seminar? I don’t know if i could teach (traditionally) either.)
Side Comments: Continentals are barely worth the time in reading, and if you don’t like the analytics it’s probably your own attention span that’s to blame.
I think studying philosophy in college is about the best decsion I ever made. I’m planning on getting a masters in teaching philosophy to children. Seems like I get a teaching certificate in new jersey that way. I personally relish the idea of teaching 7th graders to think. Mwahaha
You’ve got three choices:
Major in Philosophy- It’s a bachelor’s degree, it will get you into places that require a bachelor’s degree. Furthure than that, it shows good writeing skill (essay test are your new friend) something many employers need.
Double Major- Philosophy Major’s usually require relatively few credits and philosophy mixes well with everything ESPECIALLY the sciences.
Minor in Philosophy- Learn a lot, but generally go on with your life as normal. (whip)
Luckly, you don’t have to make any of these descions now. Just go to college and sign up for some courses. Just make sure you go to one with a good (not nessisarily big) department. If a school doesn’t have a good philosophy department they are probally not worth your time anyway.
It is the second best pre-law under-grad as far as LSAT scores are concerned, second to physics, I think.
Under-grad doesn’t matter all that much. Philosophy is a phenomenal under-grad, because it teaches you to think critically about any subject you encounter later.
I’m majoring in philosophy, and I do plan to teach, but I honestly feel like I could enter any field and pick it up relatively quickly. Philosophy is just structured human thinking. Rock on, philosophy.