My name is Sivakami .
Indian, female, 29 years old, married.
Working as a corporate manager in an IT firm in India .
A scientific rationalist, quite passionate about science and interested in learning more. Huge fan of Carl Sagan, Richard Dawkins, E.O Wilson and Steven Pinker.
Love discussions on science, ethics, religion vs skepticism etc.
Boooooom. Richard Dawkins. Are you interested in Memetics? (end of ‘The Selfish Gene’). Have you read Susan Blackmore’s ‘The Meme Machine’.
If possible, could you add some insider information to the ‘subcontinent on the boil’ topic. It would be useful to hear some first-hand experience. I don’t always trust the BBC 100%. Their coverage of the middle-east conflict, and its repurcussions in the UK was, at best, a little bit rusty.
I know about memes and memetics, yes. Having read all of Dawkins’ books, thats only to be expected
I dont think memetics is a science, at least not yet ! But it looks very promising and is a very good idea.
I thought the BBC did a much better job covering Sep11th and afterwards … than CNN did. The Economist articles were also good.
Re: the current Indo-Pak tension, let me copy-paste what I PM-ed to another member.
I dont think either side wants a war … but sometimes, things do pick up a momentum of their own, once they start
Lets hope it does not come to that … I dont think it will, but one can never be sure.
As far as the Kashmir problem goes, I think (and this is a very unpopular view with other Indians ! ) that we made a mistake … it should have gone to Pakistan, considering that the whole Partition was religion-based and Kashmir was a geographically separatable predominantly Muslim state. Had Nehru continued to be a PM for a few more years after partition, he probably would have ensured that the Referendum followed through, but that didn’t happen.
That having happened, correcting the mistake would probably be costlier now. Its somewhat like the Israel story - carving out a piece of land for them was probably a mistake but correcting it now may prove to be a bigger mistake.
There are no simple solutions.
IMO religion is one of the major dividing labels in the world today. There are others too, like race, colour, language, nationality etc.
Given that human nature is what it is, and that we cannot genetically engineer ourselves successfully, at least in the near future, it would be wise to tone down these divisive labels as much as possible.
my name is Magius. I am a York University student with a part-time job on the weekends (data entry). My interests are many and varied. I’m good for almost any kind of conversation. I am a philosophy major and have been doing philosophy almost my whole life. I am male, 23 years old living in Ontario, Canada. I recently joined this Messaging Board because I am always looking to debate about anything in life. I looked around before joining (some Boards are filled with nasty topics and highly sensitive and angry people), I feel as though the members on this board are above such childish tendencies, what’s more, everyone sounds friendly, informed, and educated.
Like ssivakami I like discussions on religion and skepticism. But like I said I am good for any conversation.