Hillary Clinton

What do you think Hillary Clinton’s chance are of being the next U.S. president? I heard some campaign experts predicting that she very well could win the next presidential election. If she does win, what do you think her strengths and weaknesses would be?

Hillary’s chances of winning are very low, assuming the Republicans field their usual man.

Hillary is a woman in times of great fear, and in times of great fear people turn to men for security.

If she tries to be seen as the better “man” for the job, she will lose many votes of men who cannot identify with a male woman … or find such attractive.

Besides, her toleration of Bill’s indescretions has cost her integrity and she will be exploited as being weak on other nations who threaten to violate.

And, she is still seen as a feminist, and rightly so, which will not appeal to the majority of even Democrat males.

But if the Republicans field Rice, then it’s a crap shoot.

There is no one out there right now in the public eye who would make a good President.

No one out there right now possess both the right life-affirming philosophy, the toughness to stay true to it, and the leadership qualities necessary to make a good President.

as the most liberal person on this site, I must say, I truly,
sincerely hope she does not run. I believe it would be a
disaster of biblical proportions to have her as the democratic
candidate. I believe the democrats have dozens of outstanding
candidates, fingold of Wisconsin, obama of ILL, general clark,
al gore, just to name a few.


Obama for VP. He’s too young to win as Pres.

Don’t kid yourselves - Hillary has a shot.

Who are the Pubs putting up? Romney? I’m from Mass. Romney has no shot in a general election.

What are Hillary’s chances? Pretty slim if she’s running as a Democrat.

The Republican’ts have fixed the last two elections, they’re just about at the point of making it all but undetectable.

Jesus Christ, riding an elephant into DC, decked out in red, white and blue wouldn’t have a chance if he were running as a Democrat.

I don’t think Clinton has much of a shot, but I could be wrong. She brings a lot of unwanted baggage to the campaign, that’s for sure. She’s reviled by the right and would have no chance of winning any support from the right. She’s considered too conservative for many leftists and so alienates the guys like Peter (especially with her now trying to backpeddle from her support of the invasion of Iraq).

As much as anything I don’t think a woman can win yet. Even many of the women I’ve talked to about it say they wouldn’t vote for a woman president ( :astonished: )!

The question isn’t who will the Republicans run.

The question is who will Rove make a winner … and which Democrat will the Greens make a loser.

Do you care to place a bet?

How does $200 sound?

Man, another Republican president? That’s gonna be a pretty hard sell as unpopular as the current one has become. He’d have to be just about as opposite from Bush as he could be while still being a nominal Republican.

I think I got it locked up.

Problem is, I don’t trust Jenny to pay up.

Fact is, I don’t trust Jenny to utter an honest statement.

The election can’t even shock Gobbo - he is in contact with the aliensl

Gobbo will probably find a way to vote! :laughing: So long as your ballot is cast for a Dem you don’t need to be a citizen! :astonished:

Bush won handily in 2004, not just because … oh, what was his name – the Democrat’s candidate? … oh well, not just because the Democrat was ineffectual, but because Bush was the incumbant … though it might not have been as close had Gore run again. :unamused:

But Gore lost in 2000 because of the Greens, when Bush was a “moronic” newcomer. Rove, is good at what he does.

And, as I recall, it was Perot who cost Daddy Bush the 1992 election.

So, with a couple of newcomers in 2008, it will again be the powerful third party (the Greens) coupled with a glitzy guy Rove can package into a winner, a good puppet, someone who won’t think he’s really in charge once he’s elected.

So I won’t bet – I wouldn’t want to take your money, as you most likely really need it.

I actually voted for Perot. :blush: He seemed like the lesser of three idiots at the time. Hell, perhaps he was.

I voted for Perot because I was a Massachusetts resident at the time. As it was a forgone conclusion that the Democratic candidate would win the state, Perot was the only meanigful vote I could cast. Politically, when I can muster any enthusiasm at all, which is rarely, I am a Reagan Republican. Things have been pretty tough on my type since Reagan retired.

Hillary can win. She would do well with Obama as a running mate, since he talks out of only one side of his mouth. She needs to come up with a reasonable health care plan, lots of good Homeland Security rhetoric, some saber-rattling towards Iran, and some good lies about gas prices. Some meaningless talk about economic issues that she cannot control as president would help, but that is easily had by all candidates, since it is essentially a stupidity.

Don’t count her out. The Republicans don’t seem to have too many big guns lately. Heck, Bush was no big gun. He was just matched against morons.

If Hillary wins, you can watch the social structure of this country completely unravel. She is a repugnant unisex slug, of undiscernable gender, and consumately evil to boot.

The Republicans could run Rice, if they wanted an ethnic carbon copy of Hillary, which would again avail the country of nothing.

Bush and his company, with their unstoppable stupidity, should have made it as clear as possible to the mindless herds that we, the Amerikan society, need to destroy the politicians, and reform the government.

Anything less, proves that Amerikan society can’t and won’t learn lessons, and they accept the eventual downfall of the entire system due to gross negligence, by apathy and retardation.

Doen’t this guy have a presidential mug?

My Favorite Future Presidents Presidents:

Arnold is the Republicans’ only shot. Will he run?

Arnold can’t be President unless we change the Constitution- only those born in the US can attain that office.

Oh yeah, I forgot that. Must be why I haven’t heard anything about him running. Odd law, at this point in history.