I have read that Hobbes is one of the leading monists of his day. However, I have only found his theories on government. Does any1 know where I can read up about his views on god and religion, perhaps even provide some quotes? Thanks so much.
As I recall, the beginning couple chapters of The Leviathan describe how everything is physical, and that everything humans do must be explained by the workings of very tiny physical mechanisms. I don’t know if it’s the most detailed place to find it, but you can find that work online.
Just find a full version of The Leviathan. His religious views are threaded throughout, but he kinda goes off the deep end in sections like, “The Kingdom of Darkness” which is just sort of a long anti-Catholic rant.
But it is all threaded throughout. His religious views aren’t distinct from his political views, they are both grounded in each other.