Not being a religious person, I still want to send winter soltice cards to friends and relatives. I look for cards that are least dogmatically divisive. This year I found one depicting an angel playing a lute, which is right up my alley. How do you handle the situation? Or do you just not send cards?
Do you not celebrate Christmas because your not a pagan or a religious person?
I don’t see a problem with it, I say send your angel card. If it’s a problem to you than I guess I can’t help you lol. I’d say just send cards that aren’t dogmatically divisive, find those. Or make your own, that’s always cool.
I send Christmas cards to my Christian friends, and let my non-Christian friends take care of themselves.
Christmas? Another form of idolatry. Even Paul recognized that when he asked why people revere certain days. I’m with the mad hatter. Every day other than my birthday is my unbirthday and should be celebrated. According to contemporary scholars, Jesus was probably born in the spring some four to six years before the anno domine bullcrap. I’m with the pagans who put a green tree in their homes (fir) as a reminder that one can survive killing winters. Does no one here send that kind of hopeful greeting?
If I didn’t have Children, I would bury every holiday in lime and forget about them altogether.
Holidays are just an excuse for humans to act like bigger assholes than they do on an “average” day. That and the consumer rape make holidays, so special, but I’m not bitter.
If you are going to send cards, get some pictures from Dr. S, or, and make your own. That should send the definitive message that you care.
Thanks for the essential advice. I certainly agree about how our children cause us to comply with things we don’t like–Easter bunnies, tooth fairies, Santa Claus (I find it humerous that both St. Nicholas and Satan have been referred to as “Nick”.), baby Jesus, etc.–all tit-sucking infantilisms.
Hah, just get an overly large family combine it with an overly large in-law family and many friends, you will have a good reason not to even send cards.
Because, if you actually send a card or gift to somebody then somebody else finds out you sent out cards or gifts and they did not get one well, You are up the shit creek. God forbid you sent out gifts and cards seperately and someone you care about only got a card, not a gift.(people unfortunately like to talk about things they get) If it ends up being a guy that got just the card the problems will be minimal,but, if it is a female, God will be running the other way, far away from you.
We can’t afford to send cards to everyone I and my husband are closely related to and all of our friends. So everyone knows not to expect anything from us. We do not send anyone anything. In return we get nothing from them,no cards no gifts, except good cheer year round. Now that is a political statement.
So to all here, no matter what you believe; May you have good health, good cheer and a good life year round.
Just a point of no interest triviality:
In America, when we give a gift, we LOVE to tout the worth of the gift, its sincerity, its worthiness, its value. (All our value is placed on the object)
In Asian tradition, when giving a gift, they demean and belittle it as unworthy for the recipient. (They value the human more than the object)
Man, aren’t those Asians wacky humans, valueing the human life more than a disingenous object … pfffffffffffffffffffffffffft, what’s wrong with those people?
Good advice. One year I found a neat card on which there was a wolf, howling at the moon from a frozen terrain. It only cost about five bucks for twenty and probably confused all my relatives.
And to all here at ILP, happiness is in small but hearfelt things–a smile, a wecome, an acknowlegement of your value. May you each and all survive the season with a warmth of belonging.
Among my American native friends, the one having the birthday gives gifts. Those that I have received on those occasions I will cherish always.
Familiarity breeds contempt, it would seem.
Now why did you say that Ucci? I see no contempt here. Just an exchange of tradition, ways and thoughts.
Well, I can’t help what you see, but, um, did you read any of the posts in this thread at all?
Oh! Would you be mainly speaking of our resident wolf Grinch. Shoot, I thought he was being nice and cheerful for once.
Yar, him and Ierrellus.
Ok I thought Ierrelus was resolving an issue so it would not look like contempt. I thought he was rather positive.
Now, the wolf Grinch he actually broke down and admitted to not being a total asshole. He admitted the holidays actually bring out love and cheer in him. Sure he did it in a total asshole fashion that we all have come to know and care for. You need to read between the asshole lines.
If he was such a grouch and contemptous, he would not even care if his kids had Christmas or the other holidays. Which actually means he has holiday cheer. Now here I am just guessing but, I would bet that he actually breaks down , loses control and smiles at his children’s happy faces, possibly even plays with them. He might even hug his wife , kiss her and wish her a happy holiday.
See Ucci, you just need to read between the lines. He actually is a happy holiday person. He doesn’t actually have the asshole contempt he tries to display.
I rest my case, while rolling on the floor laughing my F***ing ass off.
Well, shit. When you’re wrong you’re wrong!
Just to show my holiday spirit, here’s some anecdotal evidence for support:
The company just sent out an invitation to “Show your holiday spirit and volunteer!”
I sent my reply as:
“If there is a need for volunteers for “Holiday assassination squad”, I render myself available for service, otherwise please remove me from the list as I have no desire to help out.”
They sent me a reply that I have been permanently removed from the list, and my manager seeks to have a word with me.
LMMFAOROTFL, not again, I’m always talking to that plebeian.
Well of course he was, most people know Jesus was born on Christmas. Christmas is on a Pagan Holiday as you know. I guess I misunderstood what you were trying to say.
Sorry just trying to help.