I’m back.
I did so much, even in those few weeks, that I can’t say it…
I’ll say a few things, though:
“Physicist David Bohm believes that if we can at least begin to
concieve of a Holistic, rather than fragmented universe, then
our minds would begin to move in a similar way, and from
this would flow .an ordered action. towards the whole.” ~Orchaos.
(Un-edited notes from my Liber Astrodia. [in progress] )
The astral plane, like so many others, is not “another reality”. It is part of this universe, and is in this reality, but it is a class of perception and influance which is not very physically pronounced. The dualistic seporateness of astral and physical – is only felt within beings which cannot both effect clearly, and see clearly, each “realm”. Influance, and awareness, are the only real barriers between realities, and the limits of one realm’s effect upon the other – are actually personal limits of the viewer.
[size=200]Influance, and awareness, are the only real barriers between realities, and the limits of one realm’s effect upon the other – are actually personal limits of the viewer.[/size]