Holysheet, I'm back.



I’m back.

I did so much, even in those few weeks, that I can’t say it…

I’ll say a few things, though:

“Physicist David Bohm believes that if we can at least begin to
concieve of a Holistic, rather than fragmented universe, then
our minds would begin to move in a similar way, and from
this would flow .an ordered action. towards the whole.” ~Orchaos.


(Un-edited notes from my Liber Astrodia. [in progress] )

The astral plane, like so many others, is not “another reality”. It is part of this universe, and is in this reality, but it is a class of perception and influance which is not very physically pronounced. The dualistic seporateness of astral and physical – is only felt within beings which cannot both effect clearly, and see clearly, each “realm”. Influance, and awareness, are the only real barriers between realities, and the limits of one realm’s effect upon the other – are actually personal limits of the viewer.

[size=200]Influance, and awareness, are the only real barriers between realities, and the limits of one realm’s effect upon the other – are actually personal limits of the viewer.[/size]

Viva la Squiggle!!!

Return of the King.

What’s up brother!!!

I was wondering where you had gone to. I love reading your posts.

Considering the restrictments of the mind, this is an impossibility.

We do not have the capacity.

Welcome back, Dan. I worried that I might pissed you off earlier.

No, I think I am the one most capable of hurting myself, and I’d prefer a cautious exploration of my weakness, not a violant probe, lo.

I’m okay. +)

Muah, that was so nice of you.

But I’m back now. :smiley:
Thanks for the care, and we can talk about whatever ya like. :wink:

But ‘we’ created nukes, etc.

We have satlites.

We can imagine large, interconnected shapes.

I think it can happen, at least partially. =)

Surely we’ve done those things Squiggle, but look at this objectively.

We vector our consciousness, into a very tightly confined area, then focus all of our attention in this tiny realm. Then we can come up with things like nuclear reactors and satellites.

But an unconfined consciousness, that is something more … divine, and as of yet, unproven.

Never confuse lack of ability for talent.

That’s interesting.

Could it be, that Buddha was “correct” when saying:

“Mind is the forerunner of (all evil) states. Mind is chief; mind-made are they. If one speaks or acts with wicked mind, suffering follows one, even as the wheel follows the hoof of the draught-ox.
Mind is the forerunner of (all good) states. Mind is chief; mind-made are they. If one speaks or acts with pure mind, affection follows one, even as one’s shadow that never leaves.”

“Mindfulness (sati) is the way to the Immortal, unmindfulness the way to death. Those who are mindful do not die, (whereas) the unmindful are like the dead.
Mindful among the unmindful, wide awake among the sleeping, the man of good understanding forges ahead like a swift horse outdistancing a feeble hack.”

“The mind is hard to check. It is swift and wanders at will. To control it is good. A controlled mind is conducive to happiness.”

Even here, I see Terrans talking about their whole consciousness, like a tool, something to both be controlled, and to be used in order to have control, so that pleasure, happiness, gratification or satisfaction can be obtained.

But, if “mind” is simply a form of control, which the dogma and addiction of life has, it only wants one thing, in the end: Replecation, and assimilation.

And this is done through divisions, fragmentation, concentration, isolation?

Hey Dan~ :smiley:

to see you good it is, my whelm is overed your return about.

No really, welcome back squiggler.

thank ya.

Gautama was a wise human. He understood the failings of the plebeian/homonid mind ~ too concerned with just the obvious, unwilling to tax itself with higher functions. (squiggle used just for you!!!)

In order to be free of mind, yes, first you must learn to control it. Then when the pathways have been trained, they can be trained to be unleashed with focus.

One of the reasons isolation is necessary, is because the constant traffic of stimuli to the brain is autonomously filtered, and we learn at an early age to ignore it. Now isolate yourself, even deprivation, and you can start to focus on the small pieces, and train your mind to a “tolerance” for the traffic.

Once this can be mastered, you can be a moving meditator. Which is an entirely different level, but likely, still short of the intended mark.

Yeah, that reminds me of the eventual chaote adeptus, whom is always in a special state of consciousness, and this has very empowering results.

mods edited mah swairs.

SIATD, you have 4 balls!?

Welcome back dan~

You’re a breath of fresh air around here.

[size=59](which includes all the dust, leaves, hair-in-face annoyance one also gets from a little puff of fresh air) [/size]
