The Detroit auto makers need take heed of this guy’s abilities.
Electric car
Is it possible for you to post a pic of the vehicle, as the buffering on that video is atrocious…
Here’s a video capture of the car. It’s just an older Datsun. The thing about it is it develops more torque than a combustion engine and can accelerate faster than cars that dragrace it. It can do the quarter mile in just a little over 11 seconds and 0 to 60 mph in about 2 seconds.
At least its not a Pinto. The guy will get bought out by someone. Too bad Tucker never stuck it out.
That’s probably true Kris. You would think with all the resources available to the car companies, they would have have come up with something by now. The fuel crisis that started a few years back should have been the wake up call for them.
I understand there are a lot of guidelines they have to adhere to, plus the aesthetics and design are considerations too, but with the right electrical engineers they should be able come up with a viable prototype soon.
Its not cost effective to change up their plants at this point, it is more cost effective to buy up patents and designs, in order to hide them from the public. Money is the bottom line for them.
I agree Kris. Money is a driving force for all companies. I wonder with all the attention being brought up about ‘being green’, has anyone gauged the carbon footprint in charging those batteries opposed to a fuel efficient gas burning engine? Even in comparison to say the Toyota Prius? If it’s charged from an electrical plant who uses nuclear power, is it that a better alternative?
The only part of a nuke plant that is unclean is the waste, the water and the rods right? I never studied what happens to the water or the rods. How are they disposed of or recycled or what???
I’m not sure about the water which is used as coolant. It’s possible they treat it chemically, through electrolysis evaporation or recycle it. The solid materials are put into containers and are buried in concrete bunkers I believe in unpopulated areas.
Here’s a link to a Canadian electric car company (Zenn = zero emissions no noise) that has been struggling to be allowed into the market for a few years up here due to provincial regulatory category snafu’s …
I checked out the link you provided on the ZENN. One thing I noticed is it only has a top speed 25 mph. The one I posted left a Corvette sitting at the starting line and finished the 1/4 mile in just over a 11 seconds. If you didn’t get a chance to view the video yet please do. It’s hard to believe he was able to do what he did in his home’s garage.
It keeps on buffering-out on me… ya, I really want to have a look at that, my step-son has his own shop & runs a stock car. It’d be great to nudge him in that direction… I think there’s a big future in locally built cars tailored to local conditions, and electricity would seem to be the way. By the way, the 25 mph is a regulated max., to qualify for the limited market they’re allowed to access…
I could not drive a car that maxed at 25, out here in the country You would not get anywhere. Cities like New york it would ideal though. Traffic there looks like its always at snails pace, except for the notorious cabs.
I thought it’d look like a concept car, but it was far from it - it’s pretty nifty to say the least, but it ain’t pretty…
I’d say electric cars are the way to go - the West is too reliant on oil/natural fuels, and we have to be prepared for when those resources run out…
As battery technology advances, the rate at which they recharge will decrease. Maybe in the not too distant future electrical refueling depots may pop up. However, it is true with the present storage devices in those electric cars it takes hours to recharge.
If they could come up with an intermediary device such as a capacitor between the batteries and the charger, it could charge in minutes instead of hours while the capacitor gradually recharges the batteries as you drive. A skin of solar charging material could be infused to the body so it could assist in the charging process. Pipe dreams as they might be, hopefully some entrepreneur may look into this type of technology.
what sort of battery is used in computers?
I believe the bulk of them are made of Lithium ion. At the end of that video, (if I’m not mistaken) the guy who built the car used a similar type in place of the ones he originally had. This reduced the weight and the Li batteries would hold a charge longer.