Not sure if this is the correct forum, feel free to move it. I apologize in advance.
Recently, at another forum i visit, someone created the topic “Anybody else here transgendered?” where the seventeen year old explained how he had his testicles removed, breast implants, and plastic surgery on the buttocks. The thread quickly turned into a fifty page encouragement topic, where everyone told this “male-to-female” how they admire his boldness and pursuit after what he wants. Here are some pictures that it posted of itself:
I posted my opinion, telling the topic starter that he is still a man, and that i don’t see why he would do such a thing. Quickly, i was snapped at by numerous posters, each calling me homophobic, intolerant, and things of the like.
People call others “Intolerant” for voicing opinions they may not necessarily agree with. They call it discrimination, prejudice, and any other word that may sound cynical and villianish. From time to time, the name Hitler is even branded.
The problem here is the logic, as is almost always the problem. By calling someone intolerant, you are not tolerating their opinions and viewpoints yourself! They are so quick to say “Don’t pass judgement”, but judge you without a second thought.
This topic is not about being a transgender or a homosexual, nor is it about morals or ethical theories. This topic is about the worlds acceptance of so many oddities in society. What made us so “intolerant” before, when showing your ankles was all a woman could really do in public? What makes us so “tolerant” now, and what caused this change in socially acceptable behavior? How far does tolerance go these days? Homosexuals? Transsexuals? Rapists? Murderers?