Homosexuals will not pass on their genes to the next generation.
In evolutionary terms they are failures, unfit to survive. Homosexuals are naturally selected by the invisible hand of Nature or Evolution, to cease and to be eliminated from the gene pool of the homo sapien species. Even if we say homosexuality is a response by evolution to over population, it still does not answer why a particular set of genes are selected for termination and not another. We can only conclude that for reason obscured and perhaps unknowable to us, homosexual genes are detrimental to the good of the entire species.
And if Evolution have so decreed, we then have a scientific basis to socially treat homosexuals as outcasts, to discriminate them in terms of access to resources, or not to give them equal rights and opportunities to survival and other socially valuable statues and symbols, in any particular social grouping. Is this not a logical and reasonable conclusion to make? And further this explains homophobia and other social discrimination that we see, for they are nothing but just the outworking of evolution in our species.
The only scientific argument for the presence of homosexuals in society is that they somehow contribute to the increase survival of the social grouping in a particular generation.
An example that comes to mind are the worker ants or worker bees in a colony which do not mate and reproduce, but are slaves throughout their entire lives. Perhaps with the chores of gathering food and constructing shelters totallu undertaken by sexless members of the society, the queen, and other fertile members, of the colony can have complete focus on mating and reproduction, and increasing the overall success rate of the entire colony and thus the species.
Now if this is a model from evolution should we not find a similar pattern in human societies? But where and what are the contributions of the homosexuals that improve the survival of the fitter genes in soceity? Any views?