Olaf knows this rich girl, she lives in the countryside, rides horses. Her mother and father pay for everything, during summer they travel abroad for months on end and indulge in all manner of cultured activity.
Linda Reid, however, took part in one of the most rare hidden secret shames the world dared to ever know: She made love to her Horse regularly. She often thought, after this affair began, I have had more meaningful relationships with animals, than I ever have with their human brothers and sisters.
Ms Reid was very strange - no, more than that: abnormal, aberrant. As Plath once wrote in her rage: ‘She’ll cut her throat at ten if she’s mad at two.’ Reid was mad - she loved the hard rod of that most handsome of stallions: Abercrombie.
It all started innocent enough. Linda took riding lessons through her school years, nothing untoward happened, she learned to ride strong, she took part in several local country competitions. Won a handful - recieved some medals. She built up a warm relationship with Abercrombie.
The first inklings of horse-love began to twinge her mind when she broke up with her boyfriend Mark Oldman. They barely had any relationship to speak of, like most teenage love, it was felt strong but iwas ultimately directionless…dreamed. Mark split with her and she, hot with spite, vowed never to go near a boy again.
A few days later, she went to her stable and started to groom Abercrombie. She took great care of him. He was a strong, muscular horse, legs and back and buttocks firm and lean. He carried off a perfect varnish-brown coat. He was in his prime.
As Linda groomed his coat and patted him and whispered her thoughts to Abercrombie absent-mindedly, she began to notice that his penis has become erect. She was not overly shocked by such an occurence - she had seen it before - but suddenly and quite with dark intent - Linda felt strangely compelled and curious to know what that large penis felt like to the touch. She was alone in the stable.
She went to the barn door and checked no one was about - no one was. She went back to the horse. Kneeled down - and whispered to herself like a prayer: ‘I’m just going to try…just a try…just out of curiosity…’ She closed her eyes and stretched out her hand.
Slowly she felt the tip of the head…her hand froze…her breath held…she inched forward and grazed her hand gently over the penis without fulling gaspin it…then she grabbed it full on - full clasp around the girth of his horsehood. She gasped a little in excitement. It was so warm and long and in no way dangerous or offsensive. The horse snorted and moved its hind legs in agreement.
Linda begins to masturbate Abercrombie. Slowly and inexpertly she moves her hand along his shaft. She speeds up. She takes large leisurely strokes of his penis. She builds up strong pulse. Her blood begins to rush. Her heart pounds. Breath quickens. She works her arm hard into the task. She is certain Abercrombie is about to burst but before he does she withdraws her hand. She recoils - stands up - quickly pats the horse goodbye - puts utensils away - switches off the light - latches the barn door and walks briskly to her house, where she runs up stairs, quickly washes her hands, and lies down on her bed…and slowly but surely she begins to cry into her pillow, hot salty tears, she girns for some time, and eventually falls into restful sleep.
(The tense changes in the last paragraph. Don’t ask why. I’ll need to change the tense throughout the whole piece but I just thought i’d post it up here before i do the editing.)