HOT WET –N- READY - a forgotten poem from 1998

This was written back in the day when I typically wrote poetry that was in this kind of slam-like vein in terms of tone, language and choice of words. I feel like I’ve grown up, but maybe not. If this is too graphic for you I apologize ahead of time, but I’m not going to edit a poem I wrote 8 yrs. ago in observance of the sensitivities of the weak-stomached few. Don’t worry, there’s no racial epithets - that’s not my style. You’ve been warned.

Poets talk openly about their genitals
(they call it transgressive).

Ginsberg was fixated on his testicles
as well as those of his Beat-Off friends.

The press release
failed to reveal
he drowned in a pool of his own semen.

He finally found the only word
that rhymes with orange.

Capt. Ahab deep in the belly
of some beached whale
muttering to himself:

“God spoke to me in the shower…”
the other day
and said the devil made him do it.

The messiah cracks his knuckles.

He was a proud Buddha -
a dumb cow happy to moo.

As a school boy
he giggled once to many,

so the head master
—Dr. Bukowski—
sodomized him


“[size=200]FUCK[/size] is an American word!”

Some people think that distortion is beautiful and artistic.

Some people don’t.

But this ‘poem’ sounds delusional, to me.

It’s just a surrealistic scenario made up in the cob-webbed recesses of the cesspool that passes for my mind.

lhw - The Straight-faced Clown

Okay well you’re species is fucked so good luck.

Oh, I couldn’t agree more with that assessment. I happen to seek to endorse and promote the belief in the accelated extinctiono of the human race. I think the world would be far better off if we were taken out of the picture - the sooner the better.

–lhw - AKA: The Straight-faced Clown AKA: M.C. Tape-Hiss

Better off?

For whom?

Rainey, you’ve quickly illustrated how inequality becomes disunity, and disunity becomes destruction.

I don’t want the human race to extinct. If an eventual brain-wired internet arose, we would soon have a collective hive creature, which no-longer was willing to hurt itself.

The inequalitarians and the dictatorships would fight against this to the bitter end, because it would mean that the common people could live withouth exploitive, wasteful government.

Give them 30 more years, please, just 30 more.

No Dan. I’ve not done that at all.

B/c of my Lokian sense of humor, you two need to take anything I say with a serious grain of salt. Of course I don’t really subscribe to that belief - it’s just an outlandish thing I like to say to throw people off. But you have to admit the human species has gone to great lengths --especially in just the last couple of centuries since the onset of the Industrial Age-- to rape and pillage this planet. Even though we know we’ve been effing this planet --and its other non-human inhabitants-- over for quite some time now, we have done paltry little to slow down, let alone stop, the carnage we’ve unleashed upon the only planet we presently call hmoe. Either we’re going to solve the problem we created or it will be solved for us by the very planet that gave us life, and Mother Earth will not pull any punches when it comes time for her to roll up her sleeves and clean up the mess we’ve created in the name of human progress and especially God.
