How differant are you in real life than on the board?

Must ask, how differant is everyone here in person than on the board?

For instance, I try to be quite genial on the board, but in person I can be something of a shifty-eyed bastard. Maybe it’s because I respect most of you guys’ intellegence, I dunno…

I’m pretty much the same (except I only cross-dress at home and when posting on ILP)

I’m pretty much the same… a bit less ‘philosophy’ orientated, but most of my friends simply can’t talk about it so I sort of have to be.

I am taller in real life.


I am quite different in RL. I am charming, intelligent and congenial. People like me in RL.

I do respect the intelligence of most on the boards here, which is different from RL also, but that’s because the personae here are more intelligent. That’s a difference in the mileu, and not so much in me.

I’m more visibly drunk in real life.

Hello F(r)iends,

I am exactly the same in “real” life…
This place is “real” right?


in real life i’m… less controlled, in terms of nice-ness.

i also do not sound as smart… when i post i think about what i’m saying and how i’m going to say it. in real life, i just say it and it generally does not sound as good as i want it to.

Ah hell, let’s just all admit that outside of the controlled ILP environment we’re all mean drunks.

I don’t really wear plate armour and my sword stays tucked under the bed (usually…).

I’m smarter, more arrogant and talk more in real life.

I’m also a lot better looking in 4 dimensions, as opposed to the 3 available to us here. In fact, I imagine most of the people here are better looking in real life. Obviously my present avatar isn’t a picture of me. I’m better looking than that, even in only 3 dimensions.

Consider this, your physical presence lends to your personality also. Here it is not seen so part of you is put to the back of your presence and not used or it can be forgotten temporarily. If given a topic to discuss we all probably would not react the same if we were in the same room actually speaking about it. Those that may be quite well lets say unshy may be less prone to speak. On the other hand some may be toning it down here also.

RL requires all of your presence, here, you don’t need it.

I’m less philosophical in real life then I am here.

if knights used paper plates they wouldn’t need armour…

napkins maybe, but not armour…


Imp jokes make me a sad panda. :cry:

Real life?

I don’t talk hardly at all in person. Most people don’t talk to me either, so it works out well. My spouse/family tell me I don’t draw conversation because I have “an intimidating face” … whatever that means.

I’m very physical in life, which obviously can’t occur here … plus I have no personality in person, so being physically apt is better in that circumstance.


A sad panda? I would be too if all I had to eat was bamboo shoots. There has to be a better way to make a living…

new poster Snickerz and sad panda all so close together? Irony?

I’m much more silly in real life.

Actually I have been meaning to ask - where does the expression “sad panda” come from? I just saw Dan use it the other day and somehow it crept into my post too. What’s the reference to snickerz?

I mean, there is something sad about a panda. It seems to make sense.