elephants eat a lot of cellulose, which they have a hard time digesting. there is a bacteria that eventually somehow gets into their intestines and lives there and digests cellulose for the rest of their life.
i was watching national geographic and it had footage of a baby elephant who had not yet gotten these foreign bacteria to live in his stomach and therefore had a hard time digesting cellulose. he ate some older elephant’s poop. this put some of the bacteria in him.
how could he have possibly gotten the idea that eating poop will make his life easier?
yes elephants do communicate with each other by means of ULF (just like American submarines). The wavelengths that the elephants use to “speak” are literally several feet long and humans can only feel them, rather than hear them.
I imagine that elephants learn from their elders.
Also may I suggest checking the term “zoopharmocognosy” on google. When the american indians say “well, Mr Badger told us to do it” they weren’t kidding. the power of Human observation is a Powerful thing.