How Do We Define "Humor"?

How exactly do we define “humor”? What is exactly is humor? Why is one thing funny to one person, but not to some else? And why do we laugh or cry?

Sorry if it seems like all I have to post is questions, but I cannot seem to find any satisfactory answers of my own.

The most I can think of concerning humor is this:

Sorry if this does not seem to make a lick of sense…I’m terrible in expressing my thoughts into words…

Does anyone have any thoughts on what humor is? :confused:

You know it when you see it.

Gobbo started a thread on this only a couple of weeks ago where I made my views clear. I can’t be bothered digging it up right now…

Of course you know it when you see it. But now, please try to describe it. I suppose humor is similar to light: you know that it exists, and you can see it, but it is rather difficult to describe with words. :confused:

Darn. I must have totally missed that other thread, SIATD. Sorry about that. I will, however, find your response within that thread and read it for myself. :slight_smile:

Does anybody have anything else to add? :confused: :wink:

I recommend you read the whole of that thread of Gobbo’s, from the opening post to the final one, not just my comments. Indeed most of my comments won’t make any sense unless you read the whole thread because I was largely responding to the outline Gobbo had given…