Kids these days are acting immoral these days, well aiming towards the poor families at least. While, the majority of schools having a big bloom on teen pregnancy. Not to say that is a good thing for the buisnessness owners.
What is the problem for students ? And how to improve students?
Physical Education lessons to be precisely that - not just running around a field while some Geordie pedo bawls at you, but a full education in diet, exercise, anatomy and personal psychology.
Let’s face it, kids are a reflection of the world around them. They learn to imitate their elders, You.
If the kids are ‘immoral’ then perhaps the question isn’t ‘why are kids immoral’ but ‘what is it in society that makes these kids act like this?’
What about them makes you think that they’re more immoral then You were?
As for how to make students better, make the schools better.
If students perceive school as some kind of government holding facility,
then the whole system is well on its way to hell and as long as governments are using schools like that, it will be.
Teach them and encourage them to achieve more than just the bare minimum.
Teach them to think critically. Finally, give them something worthwhile to do after school.
When they’re too busy learning Latin, knitting or playing rugby; there will be less time to be ‘immoral.’
One more thing:
You’ve been watching the Hearing on Violent and Explicit Video Games: Informing Parents and Protecting Children;
Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection.
Are you insinuating that its mainly, if not entirely, lower-income families’ kids that are ‘immoral?’
And rich kids are little angels? If it is, then please ask yourself how many ‘poor families’ have the money
to buy their kids a Celica and have it ‘tuned up’ so they can go street racing or pay for rave parties/
Make education free from consumer distraction and make it uniform. Teach the same stuff to everyone and eliminate social classes in the schools. Little Johnny isn’t going to pay attention to the teacher when the other kids are making fun of his clothes. Also, create controlled environments where children can experiment sexually with other kids. Half of the distraction in schools comes from sexually anxious discourses between boys and girls. Between the kids mocking little Johnny, and the cutey sitting across the room…how do you expect Johnny to pay attention?
Institutionalized, state-enforced rote learning inside a classroom for six hours a day for twelve years and more is about the most excruciatingly boring system that mankind can impose on a curious child psyche. As a result, 40% drop out. Only 1% excell. The rest are mediocre. And only god knows how many cheat at examinations. It produces bodies for the mass production line and not much else.
By the time I was nine years old I was burned out and could not wait for each recess bell. I failed misreably at matriculation and spent years convinced that I was an intellectual midget.
I have home-schooled all eight of my children.
The curriculum is simple.
No academic studies at all for the first twelve years.
Concentrate entirely on family values.
Instill the sharing ethic and a chore-based work-ethic - with plenty of time for play, hiking and camping.
Begin reading lessons only after 13.
Study text books unsupervised by an adult for one to two hours a day for the next three years.
Surf the net as much as they like.
Watch as much TV documentaries as they like.
Do daily right brain esoteric exercises. (Yoga, meditation, arts and crafts, sports, etc)
Net result. The four oldest have passed the GED State examinations among the highest 10% in the country, with the personal satifcation of knowing that they did it under their own steam.
The next three are on track to achieve the same results.
One has Downes Syndrome.
Family values are perfectly intact.
None has ever given us a moment of worry or heartache.
Bring up your own kids at home with both parents present
Relie on their own evolutionary-imprinted intelligence and natural curiosity to surface, which under trusting parental encouragement, allows them to knuckle down and educate themselves without undue adult supervision.
Stop dumping them in state classrooms.
We have caled our system HeartStart.
Any parent who might be interested, Check out our website.
So you are saying we should let poorly educated and bad behavior kids be, and do nothing? Even teachers and crossing guards are afraid to break up fights. SO how should we prevent violence? And promote kids to love education?
There should be a special activity , something fun and promte excitement for kids and room to grow in the intellect. I believe if kids go into some sort of physical training like, maybe introducing martial arts, self defense, yoga, mountain climbing or some sort. True?
keep them in schools 10 hours a day. (ex: South Korea, Japan, China)
And maybe 1~2 months of military service mandatory after high school… and university after.
Thats how you build citizens
Okay, let’s ask “Which students?” This is a problem with the original question.
Another is observed in this question “Why do we expect schools to teach a morality that we, as a society, have not committed to?”
I suggest that anyone interested in this original question read, for instance, a book titled “Random Family”, by Adrian Nicole LeBlanc. I am sure you can find a review somewhere online. It addresses teen pregnancy, among other things.
Beyind this, one big reason for the decline in teenage pregnancy is better sex ed in schools. A curriculum that is regularly hindered by a large section of the american population.
It used to be that when kids fought, the fight was broken up, and the kids told to knock it off. Now, the police are brought in, kids are suspended or expelled. Criminal charges are brought. Social workers are called. The behavior is criminalised and the kids - and they are kids - are told in no uncertain terms that they are bad seeds. Told in many ways.
But heck, they can always join the army, and then take it beyond fighting. They can kill people. Violence is not tolerated - it is institutionalised, formalised. What starts as a perfectly normal beef between two kids becomes a criminal record, or years of official scrutiny. Zero tolerance is a religion.
Yeah, and take geography and history with it. In fact, take out everything that might give the kids a chance at understanding a human other than themselves and hope that the consumerism that dominate popular culture shows them the way.
Balls to that, just remove the liberal recovery industry from schools, and all corporate involvement. That way you won’t get generations of kids who think that talking on chat shows and buying furniture is the pinnacle of life and then become depressed adults when they find out that it isn’t.