How do you currently live your passion/s in life ?

From either a normal lifestyle viewpoint, one that’s either quite philosophical, religious (or both), or totally non-religious, how do you seriously or humorously live your passion/s in life (whatever your current definition of that is) ?

I’m a surrealist.

It involves much more than art- it is all aspects of expression that are derrived from the unconchious mind. It’s almost like barfing up things that you never knew you ate.

It’s interesting to see what comes out of my psyche when I’m in that state of mind.

It’s what I live for. Don’t ask me why, I just like it.

Dictionary: Surrealism, n. Pure psychic automatism, by which one proposes to express, either verbally, in writing, or by any other manner, the real functioning of thought. Dictation of thought in the absence of all control exercised by reason, outside of all aesthetic and moral preoccupation.

Encyclopedia: Surrealism. Philosophy. Surrealism is based on the belief in the superior reality of certain forms of previously neglected associations, in the omnipotence of dream, in the disinterested play of thought. It tends to ruin once and for all other psychic mechanisms and to substitute itself for them in solving all the principal problems of life.