ever been around someone who just drains your energy somehow. You don’t know why, the person seems normal, but others report the same things.
Why is this?
ever been around someone who just drains your energy somehow. You don’t know why, the person seems normal, but others report the same things.
Why is this?
It seems these people have a knack for seeking out conflict. It also seems like they gain from the conflict, while others feel drained from it.
These people are in the majority. Just look at any thread title that sounds of conflict, then look at the large number of page views. These people feed off controversy and form their identity around argument.
avoid them if you can.
Without the intention of creating conflict, I would like to suggest, optimistically, that people interested in controversy are either merely curious or uncertain about a particular topic. I tend to sit on the fence on a lot of issues, and I like to hear both sides from the diverse and intelligent people here.
As for the original question, I can definitely say yes. I have a friend in particular who likes to complain incessantly. When I ask how he is, he’ll always respond negatively, and it’s gotten to the point where I honestly can’t have an enjoyable conversation with him. I’m considering the possibility that he feeds off of my positivity, needing the sympathy from me, which brings me down, to feel better about himself.
maybe some of these people are really unstable themselves, it might be something you can see in their eyes (I know I’m walking on a limb here with this idea) but maybe that reflects parts of your own unstableness and so it throws you off center.
Or they are just really needy of some kind of acceptance, and that can annoy you which in turn may drain you.
or maybe it is something else that mostly resides in your own mind . . .
maybe. You might be right
That’s why the Bible warns us to stay away from people who radiate bad vibes -
“Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord, I will be a Father to you, and you shall be my sons and daughters” (2 Cor 6:17/18 )
“Bad company corrupts good character” (1 Cor 15:33)
Instead, rub shoulders with people who make you feel good
“After Jesus spent the night in prayer,everybody tried to touch him because power was coming from him” (Luke 6:12-19)
Remember that poorly woman who touched him from behind and was automatically cured, and he said -“Someone touched me, I know that power has gone out from me.” (Luke 8:46)…
We too can “touch” Jesus by a prayer to log on to him and get a “free power download”, it doesn’t have to be a long formal prayer, just a chatty few little words will do.
For example,Johnny Cash says in a line from a song - “I talk to Jesus every day, and he listens to every word I say, no secretary ever tells me he’s been called away, I talk to Jesus every day”.
Personally I often say “Jesus remember me” any number of times throughout each day if I’m feeling low…
ok, so this prooves it, that the bible is the word of the heavens . . .
Praise the Lord!!!
Just kidding Mick, I’m just joking around.
It is not just controversal people, ever been around a really, really happy person? Dear God! that is draining. The argumentative, complainer or happy person causes your brain to move your thinking to a fast speed just to keep up. It is not voluntary, it just does it.
There are those lucky few that have instinct kick in and zone out. During these zoners episodes, those that are the energy suckers seem to know this and in turn, focus all their energy sucking energy on the normals, since the zoners have become immune.
Once the energy sucker moves on to fresh feeding grounds, the normal is exhausted and the zoner is refreshed. This has caused some friction between the normals and the zoners, because the zoners won’t give up their secret or can’t.
I will now prepare to suck all the energy from those who have entered my thread . . .
nothing you try will save you, “your soul is mine.”
Finish him!!!
Friendship, or any relationship, is based on an exchange of energies.
The friend or companion offers of himself and as recompense takes what he values, wants and needs from the other.
This give and take, when it is well balanced, becomes enjoyable. When each party gives and receives in equal amounts and when these ‘amounts’ are valued similarly then the relationship becomes stable and fulfilling.
When there is a discrepancy in the give and take or when what is offered is valued more than what is received, one experiences a kind of psychosomatic fatigue - like being drained.
This is a sign that the other is offering less than what you are offering in return – again in relation to your value system – or what he is offering isn’t highly valued or needed by you, even if it might seem just for him.
thanks for your insights,
My info is from 21 yrs of being married to a zoner and a son that inherited zoning. They leave me with energy suckers at social gatherings then wonder why I am tired. I have learned to hide in a group if I spy an energy sucker. This way they are not so harmful to any one person.
All of the above is very true
Perhaps the draining can be related to all of the above mentioned, but also to a simple conflict of character? Some people respond well with like personalities, some thrive on diversity…but if you feel threatened or annoyed at each bout with someone, or need to put forth all your energy just to keep up with them, you’re bound to feel ill effects.