I see it as three different aspects of God. That you cannot fully know God unless you see this.
God the father was a father. He gave us limitations and dirrection like any father would. Then Jesus came and introduced the Holy Spirit witch changed the way we deal with God. To see Jesus was to see god,… thus there are those who were convicted from being in God’s presence and hated what they saw instead of changing. But the Holy Spirit heals the soul with a residual energy that goes away when we travel down old thought patterens. This is an inspiration to what we truely need to change.
Heaven on earth is living in God’s presence. You can only judge a Christian by those who do it best by living in God’s presence. CNN was wrong. If I wasn’t so divided from feeling God so fully, I might be able to reach people better.
I judge christians harshly. If they’re spreading the “word” I think that they need some oversight. History tells us that there’s alot of corruption amongst those types. Some might say the biggest perpetrators of genocide in all history!!
I respect christians that keep their shit to themselves. The door to door salesmen types really get under my skin.
Many christians are just sheep who conform to things easily. I hate those fish on the backs of cars, WWJD and the cross around the neck worn like bling. These do nothing but imply thay you need to be seen as a christian to be a christian. You can be a very devout christian without showing off to others that you are ‘better’ than they are because you go to church and snooze, wear a tie and pay your dues. If only it was as easy to pay for a seat in heaven.
So,… I guess since every person who has started wars has been a politician,… we should lock them up to.
If you need something to bitch about, you should look at yourself. Cause you have judged all christians for using Biblical undertones (instead of using biblical overtones) in their beliefs,… then screwing up. Then you took it away instead of learning from the mistake. Are you the same people who want to take guns away instead of ridding the inner city of drug problems??? Or pay for abortion doctors instead of paying for rehabilitation for alcoholic parents???
Typical. Every law is the same way. Every person is the same way. You just only bitch when it disrupts your sense of self righteousness.
I guess you need to belittle those who stand against you. Your claim of equal opportunity hating is really self-righteousness. "the world would be perfect if everyone was just like me, " is the claim of the self-righteous. They are usually over-opinionated about things they know little about. Thus, they protect what they believe by hiding in the shadows,… all the while cutting and pasting together philosophies until they built a huge wall of “facts” to protect what they desire. Thus, they are then self assured and will not listen to reason.
Example,… the hippies. Trying to ignore any feelings that go against them with drugs,… and doing what ever fits their impulse section of the brain. Free love and peace only work if everyone was satisfied with remedial instant gratifications. IE people who give up on love settle for the next best thing. They wish for more from life,… but that’s usually why they tend to pic up socialist view points,… where government tells them the things they don’t want to think about.
Christianity is no different than any other group that exists. It is the action of individual that counts, not the group. There were plenty of nazi soldiers that had nothing to do with or even had knowledge of what was being done to Jewish people, and other ethnic groups. These young men were on the front line fighting an honorable battle or what that thought of as honorable. Many Nazi members had no clue the depths of depravity that their leaders sunk to. Judge the person as a person not by their affiliations.
Where did I ever claim to be better than anyone else or that everyone else should be like me?
I know enough about Christianity to understand it for what it is: demon worship. It should be said that I mean “demons” as in humanity’s inner demons (not supernatural beings ), the worst traits of mankind which are raised by the Abrahamic religions to virtue and holiness. Primary amongst them is “faith”, ie willful ignorance and non-thought.
The hippies were/are just as deluded and idealistic as the Christians. Hedonism is bland and boring, and the drug culture is just a surrogate for the existential “drugs” of religion.