How do you recognize truth?


Ohhh! you meant toe to toe. Ok. I can do that. Actually I like that… :sunglasses:


There is an offhand chance that you are confusing a construct with an unknowable reality. The provisional truths we construct to make sense of the world has nothing to do with the reality of the universe, which has no truths nor lies. And that’s the truth.

ER uh, Jee Tent. I really don’t have a response to that. I do but, I just played verbal chess with you in my head and everything I came up with you distorted and I lost the game. So safety says I have no comment :laughing: :laughing:

Kris says:

A wise choice, my dear… :laughing:

How do you recognize the truth> the heart?

is the heart a name that was created by man, for the purpose of identification? What is the heart, jennyheart?

Dan, William James is a good read: