How does one choose idealogy?

How does one choose idealogy? Can any of you describe the idealogy you are aligned with? i.e. captialist, communist, socialist, dont know, non-idealogical, etc and how you got there? Was it a conscious process, an unconscious process, or both?

Because I believe most people don’t consciously choose their idealogy. It’s taught by their parent society like religion, but there is also some level of innate inborn and inborn instinctual alignment (attraction). Just like most people don’t choose their religion they are born into it.

I know I rigorously studied other peoples idealogies and I didn’t find any where to sit, there were good and bad elements in all of them.


Actually that’s true, and it reminds me of something… a baloon which is sitting on a surface which is constant changing and thereby the balloon is always constantly changing with it (as the contetx changes, so does peoples ideas, opinions, idealogies, etc) depending on the environment and what is possible.

Man I think we need to invent visual philosophy where concepts and geometry are linked, because they are really and using just words, or just pictures is not enough.

I’ve found I have lived my life this far, then learned about the ideologies, then evaluated myself to see where I fit in them. People can ascribe to certain ideologies over others, but rarely are people absolute. There are some exceptions, but I don’t even know if it’s possible to be absolutely one thing over another.

Difficult question for sure. Well, i’ve tried to place myself somewhere in the universe of ideoligies but i couldn’t. Basicly, i am a non-conformist, therefore i can’t really align with any. In politics, i’m a technocrat, in thinking i’m a pessimist, in everyday life i’m a cold-hearted logic based person with strong self-control. At least i’m trying to be :confused: So, in which ideology could you sum this up ?
Well, i can’t. Sometimes i find a few elements in each that i question. I might say that because of the diversity i can call it my own personal ideology,although sometimes i’m confused by the contradictions. But,what if another guy thinks the same? Than probably it can be unified or regarded as a link.
Now, i tend to believe that we must face and learn about as many ideologies as possible, select the possitive essence in it with critical logic, and than confront the ideas to get a sinthesis. We have to figure out the aspects of observation (greater good,rationality etc) to make the chain work.
I think the goal is to better ourselves, or as Nietzsche originally thought “to overcome ourselves” . ( not as the world remembers the übermensch, as a superior race)