Well I am proud to say I know of Pavlov and his experiment…
I read a book some time ago about “Body & Psychic Programming”.
I agree, it does seem like that. But what about other situations ? Although a Ferrari as a present would be “cool”, what about when you tell me of your mountain adventures etc. and I stil lthink of a Ferrari ? Let’s say I never went to the mountainside and never wanted to either… and won’t want to… so a “programming” may not be a solution in this case… IMO anyway
I tend to think more of subconscious thinking. Maybe a way to explain how such a high value of info can be stored would be that both conscious and subconscious think either idnependently or at the same time on the same or different matters. For example while my conscious is admiring you for your mountain escapades, my subconscious is still thinking of that red Ferrari I always wanted…
Anyway… the book I read also had some sections about how the concept of undertanding occurs… For example. kids… we know we all start to read\write\count at a young age so it would be easier for us.
This experiment was done on a large number of kids of different ages. As I remember the docotors placed a number of sticks on the table.
Let’s say like this:
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While we know the first line has 8 sticks (if I counted correctly - sorry - 1:15 am here ) and 5 or so on the next. The kids counted correctly (some of them anyway ) and commented how there are more sticks on the first line…
Then the doctors did a funny thing. They messed around with the distance…
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And while the kids STILL counted correctly they said there are now more sticks o nthe second line… why ? becasue they seem “bigger\larger”. The experiment tried to proe that while some of them could count, they did not know the concept of “value” or “number”.
So I was curious how the brain didn’t argue with this, on the basis of memory saying “Hey, you know 5 comes before 8… 8 comes after 5… so obvioulsy you know the first line is bigger everytime”.
That experiment amazes me everytime I remember it
Anyway… there are theories on how if you hit a certain size of infos you tend to forget soem so you make place for new ones. Not sure if this is true. … What strikes me as even weirder is the subconscious.
While you witness a robbery and the cop asks “What did you see ?” you answer “uhhh… the guy was tall…”
But if you are hypnotized… “The guy was tall, had green eyes, was about 30 yo, had a tatoo with a rose on his arm and liked Pepsi”.
Funny thing - the subconscious rememebers everything in detail… so I am curious why the conscious doesn’t.
On a sidenote, I am curious how the kdis didn’t know the concept of a “number” or its “value” too.
Any opinions on this ?
Maybe later on I’ll form a aconclusion or two as well
For now I only am a bit confused.