The passing of energy through Space creates vortices in Space itself.
Some of these vortices are just the right kind
to be self-perpetuating- these are atoms and galaxies.
A vortex in Space causes the virtual pairs, which
are charged and being spun very fast, to split
and be displaced from their Space
as matter. Each atom of this matter has at its center
a smaller vortex- the proton- which has displaced
the Space within it as clouds of electrons surrounding
the central vortex. These clouds of orbitting
electron material are themselves displaced matter,
displaced by the tiny vortices lying at the center of
each of these atomic atoms…and so it goes.
Matter is a displacement of Space that spreads
inward in a fractal manner- with atom/galaxy being
the iteration.
You have displacement at the first level with
attendent fusion in Stars- therefore the Universe is
full of radiations from stuff like our sun.
Then, you have displaceement at the second level,
where the proton displaces the electron, which then
commences trying to fuse itself back to its Space,
with attendent radiation- so the Universe must also
be full of these much smaller radiative energies just from
And, then at the level of the matter being fused by electrons-
at each of these tiny centers will be vortex which has displaced Space,
surrounded by fusion trying to reclaim Space, and giving
off radiations at an even finer level, but again at such a much,
much larger quantity that it has to account for large
fractions of the energy passing through space.
Hmm. I guess this could also be titled- ‘How
Matter Makes Fields’
galaxy model for the atom