How energy creates matter.

The passing of energy through Space creates vortices in Space itself.
Some of these vortices are just the right kind
to be self-perpetuating- these are atoms and galaxies.

A vortex in Space causes the virtual pairs, which
are charged and being spun very fast, to split
and be displaced from their Space
as matter. Each atom of this matter has at its center
a smaller vortex- the proton- which has displaced
the Space within it as clouds of electrons surrounding
the central vortex. These clouds of orbitting
electron material are themselves displaced matter,
displaced by the tiny vortices lying at the center of
each of these atomic atoms…and so it goes.
Matter is a displacement of Space that spreads
inward in a fractal manner- with atom/galaxy being
the iteration.
You have displacement at the first level with
attendent fusion in Stars- therefore the Universe is
full of radiations from stuff like our sun.
Then, you have displaceement at the second level,
where the proton displaces the electron, which then
commences trying to fuse itself back to its Space,
with attendent radiation- so the Universe must also
be full of these much smaller radiative energies just from
And, then at the level of the matter being fused by electrons-
at each of these tiny centers will be vortex which has displaced Space,
surrounded by fusion trying to reclaim Space, and giving
off radiations at an even finer level, but again at such a much,
much larger quantity that it has to account for large
fractions of the energy passing through space.

Hmm. I guess this could also be titled- ‘How
Matter Makes Fields’

galaxy model for the atom

What is a “vortex in space itself”???

Given only space, what would a vortex of it be?

Given only the color red 597, what does a vortex of that color look like?

This is impossible, unless all Matter (and the yang: ‘Energy’) which exists disappears (Magic Eraser, of course).

In lieu of this highly improbable scenario, there is nothing to be gained by “giving” this presupposition.

If you still cling to some possible pre-existence to what exists, then you are fiddling fruitlessly, though you may be entertained, his own being to each, or some such thing…

Some possible pre-existence to what exists is yet another version of the great myst…

Before the microscope, they
thought there were no small things.

The Space may be empty to our eyes,
but magnified to another level down,
what will we find?

Ideas on the Universe being a fractal
lead to candidates for force-carriers for
various fields. Because the Galaxy Model’s fractal structure demands
smaller versions of radiations as well as matter,
it very conveniently provides contenders for the Force
Messengers for everything.

Recent observations indicate that galaxies’ magnetic fields don’t
seem to express themselves until the accretion disc forms
and then jets of highly-magnetized ions are shot out by the field, which
is suddenly very powerful. It occurred to me that these highly-energized
particles (HEPs) could be the force-carriers for the magnetic field
itself. I now find I can assign force-carriers to three ‘fields’:

a. gravity- Our Sun is one of about 100 billion stars
in one galactic arm. Each galactic arm is
equivalent to an electron, in the Galaxy Model.
Fractal NEUTRINOS given off by fusion within electrons mediate

b. magnetic fields- The highly-energized particles (HEPs) shooting from AGNs
appear to be necessary for the galactic magnetic field to
express itself. At the atomic level, it must then be
Fractal HEPs that mediate the magnetic field we know.

c. electric fields- so, the force messenger for the
electric field is the only one
remaining- and the only Fractal radiation we
haven’t used is the miniPHOTONS that have to be
given off by the 100 billion points of fusion in each
electron. Fractal PHOTONS
must mediate the electric field.

Conclusion: since the Galaxy Model means the
Universe is a fractal, everything has smaller
and larger doppelgangers. Big and little brothers.

Gravity/inertia is caused by shadowing
of the little brother of the neutrino.

Magnetism is caused by the little brother
of the highly-magnetized material that
makes up the jets of AGNs.

Electric fields are mediated by the little brother
of the photon.

Too bad you guys with the non-fractal,
totally illogical ‘models’ have to dig and
scratch so hard to explain things- you don’t
have full sets of smaller and larger
matter/radiation to draw on like I do.

galaxy model for the atom

The Galaxy Model indicates a Universal Fractal.
In this fractal a galaxy is composed of many,
many atoms (~10^69 for Carbon).
Each of these atoms is made from another
10^69 such structures.
And so on- turtles all the way.

But, just considering our atoms and the
atoms they are made from ( electron matter
surrounding proton black hole), many parallels
can be inferred.

We know about virtual particles.
They are presumed to be everywhere in
Space. It is they that are split apart and
shot out to orbit around space vortices (black holes)
as matter. Every time Space is bent, folded or
spindled, some matter pops out, because there
is an acceleration somewhere that splits the
virtual particles in that place. Call them aether.
Assign them a primary spin. Then surge through with
a secondary spin that makes them 3D.

galaxy model
universal fractal

Ultimately we can perhaps simply hypothesize minimal quanta of vortexing potential (to displace space).
Given the nature of a vortex, there is a limit to the smallness - a vortex after all is self-referential, temporal, not instantaneous, not exactly infinitesimal.

Fascinating angle.
Hypothesizing from this logic (not from observation) minimal vortices of space-displacing potential, what kind of field would these produce? What is the minimal ‘definable substance’ of such a vortex?