How far is Heaven?

John Gospel 20:17 Jesus replied, “Do not touch me, for I have not yet ascended to my Father. Go to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’

And later we read:

John Gospel 20:27 Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here, and examine my hands. Extend your hand and put it into my side. Do not continue in your unbelief, but believe.” 20:28 Thomas replied to him, “My Lord and my God!”

First, Jesus told Mary Magdalene: “Do not touch me, for I have not yet ascended to my Father” and he informed Mary Magdalene: ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father’. Then, few days later Jesus told Thomas: “Put your finger here, and examine my hands. Extend your hand and put it into my side.” From these verses we can easily conclude that in few days Jesus had ascended to Heaven to see his Father (God) and then descended back to Earth to see his beloved disciples. So, for Jesus, Heaven is not that far.

It is believed after that meeting when Jesus told Thomas to examine his wounds, Jesus revealed himself to five hundred people and he talked to them, and those people saw him ascended to Heaven. Then, this question arises; what stops Jesus to do similar presentation more often? After all Jesus is hearing people’s prayers, and he loves people, and he forgives their sins, and he suppose to have the full control of the Creation, and Heaven is not that far, then I see no excuse for Jesus not to show his Divine Body to the people who are questioning the validity of his Divinity. We can not accept that Jesus loved those 500 strangers more than all the Christian saints since then. Jesus was so generous to those 500 strangers, but since then he has ignored all his devoted worshippers. We can forget about the Battle of Armageddon, but what is so wrong for Jesus just to stop by and affirm people’s faith in his Divinity? He did it once before, and his presumed characteristics demand him to do that act more often.

It is unacceptable that Jesus is having fun in Heaven and he ignores his presumed responsibilities for so long. Many Prophecies about Jesus have failed. It is such a disgrace on the Christianity that Mighty Jesus stays away for so long and he does not embrace people with his tangible physical presence. The Christians have run out of all plausible excuses for those Failed Prophecies! Jesus might not know the exact date for the “End Time”; “the Battle of Armageddon”, but he could have stopped by more often and proved his Divinity to more people.

By the way, if Jesus is in charge of the Creation, then, why doesn’t he know the “End Time”!? Doesn’t this contradict with the claim of his Divinity!?

May God Bless us All,

It all hangs on your ability to understand difference between spiritual
and material.
If you believe that Jesus Christ was risen physicaly and physicaly
ascended to Heaven, then you do not understand word of God,
all the Prophets ( and Jesus himself, before the Cross.)

Heaven is in your mind, only if God’s grace allows you to feel that.
If you dont feel that, you will wait in spiritual darkness, until
Creator of Light, turn your power off, eternaly, If you know what I mean.



You are questioning God, with hopes for His Blessing to YOU ??

Jesus Christ is the Word that have created Everything.
Now. Word is matter created by Spirit, that Is why Christ was with HIS
FATHER from the beginning of CREATION of Everything.
Son Is Fathers Creation. Spirit is not knowledge, Spirit is a Skill.
Son does Not have knowledge how He was created when matter was created.

That’s why Son, or any Chosen/Saved Man can not know, when will
Salvation happen’.



Well, if word of God is here to enlighten people, then they should do so without any ambiguity. I am afraid what you are advocating is way different from what the Christian Church is practicing. This discrepancy clearly indicates how confused the Christians are!

If I understood you right by what you are saying: “If you know what I mean”, then that clearly indicates the state of you luminosity!

[b]Yes I do believe in God, but I proved Jesus’ Divinity is a HOAX.

This is like I believe in the modern theory of Gravity, and I do reject the Aristotle version of the Gravity.[/b]

May God Bless us all,

Hell, Heaven And Kingdom Of Lord

This universe is infinite. I am unable to show the existence of these super worlds to you. I accept my incapability. But you are also incapable to prove directly the non-existence of these super worlds. Have you taken all over the universe and said, " Here ends the universe. Beyond this point there is no universe. This is the compound wall of the space. Your super world does not exist anywhere’’. Therefore, there is equal chance for the existence and non-existence of the super worlds according to the theory of probability.

Now let us analyse of our cases. Both of us are eating to live. The basic needs are satisfied in the cases of both of us. You have spent extra time also in earning more money, which may give you some problems of health like sugar, B.P etc., due to over enjoying. I have not earned more money and I am healthy due to normal food. None of us will carry the money with us after death. The money given to the children may also be lost in several ways. Therefore, I do not find much difference between us, once the basic needs are satisfied. I am poor because I have spent my extra time in the service of God.

Suppose after my death, you are correct and there are no super worlds. In such case what I have lost? There is no loss for me. But after your death, suppose I am correct and there are super worlds. You have lost every thing and God will not save you. Thus, even on accepting your argument, based on the equal probability, it is better to serve the Lord by sacrificing the extra time and energy for the Lord after earning the basic needs. You must read the theory of probability, which is perfectly a scientific theory.

Dear dattaswami,
This Universe is not infinite, it is finite. The reason that you can not find any border, because the space is curved and it takes you around without facing any end. This is like you do not find a border for the end of earth, even though the total surface of the earth is finite. However, I do believe in Creator. I think I was crystal clear on that point. By nature, I am a SPRITUAL MAN. But I do not wish to make up stories on the things which I have no knowledge about. The affairs of after death are all beyond the scope of my knowledge, as a result I do not allow myself to speculate on those issues. And I am not that Gullible to allow somebody else to fool me with some theology which is totally incoherent, and contradictory.

Our Human Spirit is too precious to be confined and to be abused with such faulty Mythology. Our Thinking Power is our ultimate gift from our Creator, and we are obligated to use it to its maximum potential. Otherwise, our Creator would be very disappointed form the jewel of his Creation.

May God Bless us all,

“Just as the concept “faith” is an altogether distinctively Christian term, so in turn is “offense” an altogether distinctively Christian term relating to faith. The possibility of offense is the crossroad, or it is like standing at the crossroad. From the possibility of offense, one turns either to offense or to faith, but one never comes to faith except from the possibility of offense… Offense…relates to the God-man and has two forms. It is either in relation to the loftiness that one is offended, that an individual human being claims to be God, acts or speaks in a manner that manifests God…or the offense is in relation to lowliness, that the one who is God is this lowly human being, suffering as a lowly human being… The God-man is the paradox, absolutely the paradox. Therefore, it is altogether certain that the understanding must come to a standstill on it.”

  • Kierkegaard (Practice In Christianity)

heaven is a few inches from your frontal lobe where this idea was conceieved. Your frontal lobe created this abstract idea, and heaven is in some pleasure area of your brain.

Heaven is happiness and pleasure combined, not a place in space… at least not a physical place that has been shown or proven to modern rational seeking humans.

Holy shit, Détrop- I thought this was the most profound thing you’ve ever written, and I read with rapt attention right up to the point where I saw it was a quote of Kierkegaard. More embarrassingly, I’ve read Kierkegaard.

No matter- even to recognize genius is something that eludes most people.

Your frontal lobe does not make decisions, it helps to process decisions. Also, you might realize areas of the brain for all functions are generally determined and separable. If you’ve ever seen pictures of where the colours are pretty in brain scans, you might realize the areas that “light” up are actually scattered and vary from person to person.

Rationality is relative to interpretation within frameworks.

You come to the discussion with the assumption God does not exist. You also come to the discussion with the assumption people are robots and reality is ultimately determined. Your input, considering you do not step out of your framework in any manner, is entirely nonsensical within the present discussion.

“[M]odern rational seeking humans” are no higher or smarter than historical “rational seeking humans.” To imply such is to undermine the very traditions you hold so dear (namely your right to believe anything at all).

“and he suppose to have the full control of the Creation,”

Here is where you went wrong.

What makes you think God has complete control of his creation?