About 121 years ago, Teddy Roosevelt was known as a “Trust Buster.” He did manage to break up a number of monopolies. Yet today we note quite a few monopolies thriving.
Also these days the U.S. government awards vast amounts of subsidies to the Fossil-fuel industry. Is this a “free” system? Though it may be a bit-more balanced off if President Biden succeeds in getting his agenda passed by Congress, for it will allow for many more clean-energy jobs. These green-energy jobs will include the installation of solar panels on many rroof-tops; thus making people more independent of monopolistic utility companies.
In your estimation, how free is the so-called “Free Enterprise” so-called system?
I don’t want to be mean but, do you honestly believe that Biden… cares about the environment or you or public health? He’s a zombie man, a lizard. He says and does whatever keeps him in power. Or that the government in general cares about such things? They [Biden and the corporate-political circles he’s a part of] wish to cripple the US in terms of energy independence, (we cannot function at our current level of production with solar panels: it’s political theater; there exists currently no clean energy technology, except for nuclear power which everyone is scared of and hates, that can keep the US at its current global political position, which is the point) so that we can be made reliant on certain other countries Biden has an interest in catering to, mainly China. By being made reliant on China for manufacturing, energy, etc., the US population will be utilized, indirectly, to keep the Chinese economy moving along nicely, (this is what people mean when they meme about Biden selling us out to China: he’s literally selling us, the people, out to China.) which in turn benefits various supranational corporations (that have not an atom of care about what country they come from) which then in turn feeds back in to the system and completes the circle, as these supranational corporate entities are allied with the political elite. It’s one big feedback circle. It’s actually brilliant manipulation of the masses if you step back and just look at it for what it is, taking yourself out of the equation. Anyway, this is why he’s moving us to these “clean energy solutions”. Not to help the environment. But to make us reliant on other countries whose foreign economy Biden wishes to empower. It’s all especially hilarious considering the fact that the nation he’s mainly doing this for, China, is the worst polluter on planet earth. One of the many great ironies of modern liberal environmental politics. The other part of the irony is how you apparently like the idea of breaking up monopolies, but as I just went over, the consequences of these environmental policies actually EMPOWER monopolies, that is, supranational corporate entities. AND they further harm the environment, insofar as it also empowers foreign nations like China who notoriously pollute the shit out of everything and don’t give a fuck.
As more manufacturing gets automated and moved out of the US to foreign nations like China that have no such artificial restrictions on their energy and production, here’s what’s gonna happen: we’re gonna springboard off the pandemic and vaccine passports to set everyone up with a kind of social credit score. We’re gonna throw in all our mass surveillance and data harvesting on top of that, giving this score higher resolution. Then we’re gonna move all manufacturing to those nations upon which we are energy dependent- like China. Since there’s no jobs here anymore and the few things we do produce and do are automated by AI, we’re gonna set everyone up with a Universal Basic Income. And we’re gonna take that social credit score we set up in the first step and lord it over every single person in the country so that we can threaten, should they ever step out of line, post something ‘bad think’ on social media, refuse to get a vaccine, etc.- if they ever step out of line, we can just threaten to take away their Universal Basic Income. Since there’s no jobs, they have no choice but to comply, or starve. And then we can all enjoy being mind melded into the same biohusk of a ‘human being’, devoid of personal ambition, individuality, or identity. Just a little goon meant to suck up a UBI and think, act, and feel the same way as every other little goon. A red blood cell for no other purpose than keeping the blood flowing to the important parts of society: which aren’t gonna be you.
In this video, Dr. Wolff, an economist, discusses the weaknesses in our current system.
Here is another video, one in which Dr. Wolff explains a few facts about economics, as occurs in our current economic system …for example, he explicates how inequality arises. youtube.com/watch?v=yomlBtXL4Ks
Avter viewing it in its entirety, let us know what you think of his analyses.
I believe China has capitalism …it is State Capitalism. They still maintain the emplyer-employee structure which resembles the Lord-Serf or the King-Subject structure. These latter evolved from the Master-Slave relationship. Workers today are not that different from vassals: they are at the mercy of a ‘boss.’
An alternative is the Workers’ Co-op structure, where the worker eventually merges into the owner of the business. This too is capitalist, for the enterprise must raise capital – and thus have to beg or convince some Venture Capitalists, or some bankers to give them a loan. They won’t give any equity in the company to Venture capitalists. The co-op members use wealth to make more wealth. Study up on Mondragon in the Basque region of Spain. It was founded by a priest; and is now a large, vast conglomerate. Check it out.
The trouble with freedom is that people take more than they need, then more than they ever wanted, then take so much that the resources are destroyed.
The trouble with freedom is that people collect power and the less powerful swarm around them like flies to eat their crumbs. Freedom would also include the freedom to monopolise. Freedumb to exploit, freedom to opress others, freedumb to take control and deny others their freedoms.
Big Oil has the freedom to bribe the Repugs? How do you think they got control of everything and got a climate denier in control; a man that claims that windpower causes cancer.
Evidently he has not read carefullly, nor taken to heart if read, the References offered below; nor any of my posts on the topic of Ethics. That systematic discipline indicates, and explains why, it is not ethical to disparage others, by name-calling or other means, especially when describing a person of integrity and compassion who has suffered deeply in his life. As far as I can tell, President Biden i is a man of good character. He is authentic. [Yes, politicians tend to tell the people in the room what they like to hear; then when they go in front of another crowd to speak, tell them what they want to hear although it may be quite different from what was said earlier. I am not naive nor gullible - or so I’d like to think.]
My impression is that Joe Biden possesses empathy. And, at his age, wisdom. With the power he has now there is no need to lie nor deceive.
He’, like the rest of us, is fallible and makes mistakes.
Let those who have never made a mistake be a critic of him