Being content with life is a rare sight. Most of us hold some ideal that always seems to be better than our current situation, and if we could only schieve something, everything would be great. We should have realized by now that there’s always something else that comes along, something new to desire.
I’ve asked many people that question… most people are on the fence between a 3 and 4. They’re not unhappy, never under a 3, and they’re seldom 5.
I suppose that we all feel there is something more to be had, some greater level of happiness always left to be reached if we follow the yellow brick road… When do we stop hunting for happiness? when do we finally say “aha, i am one hundred percent content and satisfied with my life”. Does it happen sometimes right before we die? or when we die? can it happen at all?
Many elderly people i know look back on their young lives and say it was the happiest they’d ever been, and they didn’t even know it. I wonder if inn another 20 years they would say the same thing about their current selves.
I say that if you are a 3, you are happy, and that alone is worth a 5. If you can live in comfort you have something to be thankful for. Many people let their lust blind them to what they already have. They struggle for more when they already have enough. They seem to enjoy gaining things just for the sake of gain.
Most people who say 4 are generally well off financially and in well mental health (yes i judge that), most people who say 5 are not financially well off and are in well mental health, and most people who say 3 are generally broken horses, though kind ones for doing a 15 minute long survey. They are not unhappy, but they bear a burden greater than others. something they complain about often.
Happiness does not lie in wait, it is now. If you’re reading this i wadger you’re doing so for your own pleasure. You’re happy.
Stress yourself about not being more happy and you’ll loose the happiness you already have.
Contentment’s the thing. Some people have a very difficult time differentiating what they need be content with, and what they only want to be content with, something that can be changed
If i wanted to be the holiest person on earth, but learned that since i have already commited a couple sins i am disqualified, why should i spend the rest of my life in discontent (unhappiness) and not just go to the next best thing?
If your desires are outlandish, change them.
And if curiosity is causing anguish, kill the cat.